
I was straight up told in high school (at my friend’s church, that I went along to one time) that virginity is virginity and if you lose it for any reason, including rape, you are less pure. Nobody’s faulting you, but.... less pure. Other truth nuggets from that night included that you give away a part of your


He can still get it. Any man who can be so openly disdainful of the shitty role he’s playing wins my favour. As does his costar. I’ve been binging on their interviews, because they’re hilarious and very witty.

I’m embarrassed about how into the lipstick I am, because I understand that it’s beside the point, but I love it so much. She is fucking amazingly awesome.

My 12-year-old kid caught the Hunger Games connection (without seeing Amandla’s comment), well before I did:

You’re probably right. But it was such a nice thing to see anyone say!

Yup. I was all, “wait ... do I respect Kris Jenner now?!”

I’m adopting it.

...and now I’m blushing. Yes, please.

I had the oddest Magic Mike experience recently. This woman I know was going on about how much she liked it, and I said, “oh, me too “, and then she said, “except only the dancing parts. The rest kind of sucked.” While I’d been thinking “dancing whatever, Soderbergh nailed the lost feeling and the seediness of the

My wedding dress was pale sage green, with an A-line skirt, long sleeves, and a boat neck. The fabric was a sort of matte microsuede that was popular back in the late ‘90s.

Well, that kind of thing I would notice! I’m kind of oblivious in general - it’s a personality trait, I guess. I also tend not to notice passive aggressive comments, subtle hints, etc., although I’ve worked hard to get better at that.

I only notice, even now (at age 39) if I’m getting actively flirted with or if I’m getting catcalled.

I’m oblivious. Welcome to the club!


I tend to be oblivious, so even after I was well into my teens and had had boyfriends, I had no idea I was getting checked out (I figured boys liked me for my personality in spite of my looks). Then when I was 16 I went on a summer road trip in the US with my family.

This reminds me, horribly, of the “you’re only gay if you’re on the receiving end” approach to anal sex between men.

Earbuds inserted.... hmmm, parts of it are muffled.