
Seriously. Someone once told my son - when he was 10 - that he should start working out so he'd be buff in high school and girls would like him more. My friend's son is 15 and skinny - because he's 15! - and he's been working out like crazy but hasn't gained much muscle. So recently a group of the moms were talking

I'm glad to hear your experiences have been largely positive. The firm environment I worked in was excellent as well, and rarely did I see overt discrimination. But what the article was talking about, and what I was trying to point out to katia82, was that unconscious bias doesn't look like overt discrimination or old

Yep. I am a little bit addicted to infatuation, because of the major high it gives, but it does leave you feeling sick (I lose crazy weight, because I stop eating) and scared and raw, as well. The heart racing all the time, worrying about whether the other person feels the same way about you, and as much ... you can't

Well over 50% of Canadian law students are female, actually, and most people who go into law come from an arts/humanities background. It doesn't seem to make a difference. It's not like a STEM discipline, where women are underrepresented. I will say that, at least in my experience, there were a lot of young white men

Maybe it depends on where you are and what you're doing. I am Canadian and lived on the West Coast for several years, and I saw a lot of men interrupting/talking over women both in law school and in the practice of law.

I love you.

I believe in nothing supernatural, at all. It is all, every single part of it, a combination of what's in your head and easily demonstrated non-supernatural occurrences.

Is your husband a manager in a high stress job? Because mine gets so much more like this when work is stressful, and I have to say "dude, I don't work for you."

PREACH! I dunno, maybe it's because I grew up in a family without a lot of money to spare, and we never used tissues. Just TP. Now I buy tissues because I know the toilet roll thing bothers people.

See my response above to quagmire! My boss when I was a waitress was amazing. She taught me how to stick up to asshole customers, and while she worked the staff pretty hard she always stood up for us.

I worked as a waitress in a 24-hour gas station diner on the Trans Canada Highway. I worked the midnight to 8 am shift, which saw its fair share of sketchy at night but was usually quiet until 6 am, until it became a madhouse.

And at Starbucks, too. I've started my order with "I'm so sorry that guy talked to you that way."

Check out the song Pregnant Women are Smug on Youtube.

I was one of these kids, too. Reading at 4, correcting my mother's grammar at 5, getting special dispensation from the school to use the "big kids" library and Scholastic book orders... by age 10 or 11 I was mostly ostracized by my peers, definitely seen as a teacher's pet, and getting picked on. My parents mostly

I think the guy who adopted them did. Part of why I get reports from the vet is that I offered to pay for sterilization and the first year of vaccinations. I live in Peru, where pets are not usually sterilized or vaccinated, and the family who adopted the cats are not poor, but don't have lots of disposable income, so

My son has this magic power: the act of breaking/losing any thing turns it instantly into his Favourite That Thing Ever. I break a glass? "That was my special glass!" The dog chews a magazine he left on the floor? "But that was my favourite comic!" We suddenly can't find a pair of socks? "Those were the best socks

Oh, thank you! Giving them up was the hardest thing, especially because we waited 3 months til we found a good family for them. I would have kept them forever but my son is allergic to cats and we already have a dog and a rabbit.

I miss my rescue kitties! One would reach up with her front paws and knead the bottle. So sweet.

Paint the lighter colour and let it completely dry (like, overnight). Then paint the darker cover over, let it mostly dry, and then use a q-tip soaked in nail polish remover to gently rub parts of the dark layer off/swirl it around. My base is a pastel turquoise, with a midnight blue over top. I've done it with greens

My most recent nails - going for a marbled/tie dye look.