
This is precisely, exactly what my hair looks like first thing in the morning when I either don't have time for a shower or am saving the shower till after the gym, so I roll that mess up in a bun - but before I slick all the short temple hair back. EXACTLY my nobody-can-see-this morning updo.

Re. "OF COURSE Wendy leaves London to become a fucking maid to these man children. #YesAllWomen"

I had no idea about the allegations when I saw the episode, and it definitely didn't sound like that to me at the time. My immediate reaction was "oh, hell, WTF does Tracy think Bill Cosby did to his droopy eyed cocktail waitress aunt way back in 1971?!" Because for that to a) become common family knowledge, b) rank

I very nearly named my second son Aidan in 2005 (would've done so had the husband not protested) - about 9 months later it exploded as a boy's name.

My niece Sophia was born in 2006, and there weren't that many baby Sophias around at the time. Like a lot of names, it seemed to go supernova overnight.

Mine's old and not English. My eldest is named after my grandfather, whose name unfortunately is the same as a certain sadistic child king from a certain extremely famous television series - spelled differently, though. The youngest has an old name too, although his is more common in English.

In 2004 I was pregnant with our second son, and I suggested Aidan as a name. My husband was not convinced. A year later you couldn't swing a cat in Canada without hitting an Aidan/Aiden/etc. Bullet dodged.

It's pretty icky. That said, I had a manager who was the king of unsolicited and extremely unwanted shoulder massages, so that one really got to me. He also made really off-colour comments on a regular basis, usually when he'd managed to get me alone. The worst part was that he started out the relationship in a very

I'm a lot older than you, so I think of Cool Water as something younger women wore a few years ago!

I'd be pretty bummed if we lost Michonne, and if she stays I'd be happy to see Carl stay, because I like their dynamic and I think the kid's got chops. Other than those 4, IDGAF who lives.

Now playing

I have not done that, but I have broken two beer steins by repeatedly pounding the table while singing Barrett's Privateers til the steins little by little hopped to the edge of the table and then jumped off to shatter on the floor. And I am also solidly Team Tub Drinking.


You take care of the bourbon, I'll be over here deleting the world's supply of Chilean wines.

Was this inspired by the New Girl "Bangs-Giving" episode last night?

Funny thing is, I'd never really thought of my friend's husband as hot, and now I'm wondering if I will feel inappropriate the next time I see him!

I just realized, watching this, that my friend's Australian husband is a ringer for Sam Worthington.

Top notch use of kick-ass female Canadian characters to express our response to this news!


Oh, also! A quick and very engaging read is The Maude Reed Tale. I read it as a kid and the imagery of it still comes back to me. Completely transcendent:…