
Yep, I remember that one. I hope they can tone the rape aspect down for the series. The fact that Frank went down on Claire at her instigation in the first episode gives me some hope that this actually will be a more feminist interpretation of the story. And the fact that she called Colum out on the "rape for no good

Jesus, seriously?! Yuck.

I've been so happy to see everyone introducing me to John Grey - very glad to know he exists! That said, there's also the Duke of Sandringham in the first book. He's less sadist psycho, and more simpering ponce who tries to take advantage of teenage boys. Anyway, it sounds as though the author redeemed herself on this

Yeah, I'm fine with "peppers don't agree with me", or "my teeth can't handle crunchy things", but I've spent enough time in the ER with a little kid who innocently took a bite from his friend's cookie and is now in anaphylaxis to know what an actual allergy is. People don't get it.

Oh, the first pancake. Also why my 11-year-old son cries and gives up every time he tries to make pancakes.

Oh! That makes me feel better, actually, on that front.

I read the book many years ago, and I remembered being really unimpressed with it but couldn't exactly remember why. I remembered the sex scenes as being unpleasant, and I remembered being puzzled as to why my feminist friends were such huge fans. When I watched the first episode of the series and was instantly

I'm wondering this also! The beating her ass scene didn't bother me as much as it probably should. There's a scene sometime after that in the book where she doesn't really want to have sex and he pushes her, and then she literally tells him "stop, you're hurting me", and he doesn't stop, and eventually it starts to

And I think Rupert is a sweetie, deep down.

Him playing with that knife stopped me in my tracks. I'm pretty sure that was carefully directed/acted, and it was such a nice little touch in the scene. And smoking hot, too.

Now playing

In Canada, we call female judges at the superior court level "m'lady".

-I can't believe the nerdy kid in "About A Boy" is sex machine Nicholas Hoult.

Yeah, there was a long dry spell, but music has really come back in the past 5-8 years.

One of my most significant "how different would my life be now if I'd wound up with him?" guys (like, when things are rough and I'm lying awake at night wondering) is the one who posted this to his facebook, thus drawing it to my attention. It made me feel things.

I actually also like to either tuck my toes over the end of the bed, or hang one foot off the bed, so I want to simultaneously be able to take advantage of the edges, but be cozy while I'm doing so!

Let me never do anything in my professional life that causes a writer to give me the nickname/identifier "transvaginal probe".

True freedom comes with being able to roam comfortably around a secure sheet pocket! I thought everyone knew this!


No! wait, what? Not to be overly dramatic, but - you're kind of why I come here. Where will I be able to read your work henceforth??

Truthfully, I just Google imaged searched. But IIRC, autumns tend to have warmer skin tones and hazel or brown eyes, winters have cool undertones to their skin/hair/eyes, springs don't look washed out by soft pastels, and summers have richer, peachy tones that can skew cool or warm.