
Gay indie game: No problems, if it bothers you don't play it!

Why can't games be anything other than killing and dying?! As a human being it makes me uncomfortable and it's degrading to the human form. This should stop.

That's a great idea!

I think Square should look at what Atlus is doing and copy that. Stick to what made you successful in the beginning and you'll make humble but steady income. They seem so hellbent on making it big in the mainstream market but it's killing them.

I see some boob here, do something about it!

I know... T_T

I wouldn't get too excited. It's one of the least appreciated FF in Japan :(

I may get this one.

You really have to laugh when people are all upset with unrealistic tits on a CARTOON CHARACTER.

Is that supposed to be Opa Opa?

Too bad, That's the only blemish on this fine piece of art.

Lol, good one. Now please go back to your fight against cartoon tits.

I love how it's all Women and at some point, the writer went :" meh, better put some dudes in there or else the social justice warriors will never let me see the end of it."

Who cares?! Have some sorceress tits. This'll keep you busy for a couple weeks.

Does it matter?!

You disappoint me Kotaku, there's more urgent matters to be addressed. Like cartoon tits and proportions.

My comment is to be taken lightheartedly.

Anyway, if Mr. Jason here accomplished anything, it was giving this game more visibility.

Actually, I'd bet they are rather happy with all the publicity!

But we'll never know.

Are you happy now?

I doubt it, George Kamitani is the CEo of vanillaware.

The DS is one of ma favorite system too. But you're still an asshole!