(Thats the joke)
(Thats the joke)
I guess for me it’s a nostalgia thing. I remember as a little kid watching it during thanksgiving and christmas. The jokes making fun of the movies can be pretty funny too.
They looked controversial.
Weirdly I am ONLY attracted to her when she is playing Alex. Rest of the time it totally goes away. But man, as Alex, with that perfect winged eyeliner, sign me the fuck up.
I thought of it immediately (and often). I’m always holding my boobs without being aware. Mr.R is always like “Ixnay on the oobbay oldhay.”
Appropriate GIF is appropriate.
HA this is one my favourite skits ever!
She’s a Scientologist with a fucking perfect face, I can’t deny her crazy ass that.
YAH would still do, even if wacky.
The real tragedy here is that they didn’t put BB King on the cover.
Embarrased to admit I’ve never watched this show. The one and only reason i even paid for Netflix is because they had old Myster Science Theater episodes. Now that those are gone I just stopped paying for the service.
Laura Prepon is seriously fucking gorgeous though.
(yes I know she’s a scientologist. no, I don’t care.)
Feminism has found its Tea Party
Once again proving that college students have WAY too much time on their hands.
This is one of those few times where the glitch should stay because it is hilarious.
Well this is downright horrifying.
“All-digital is the future! Anyone who has concerns over an always-online system and DRM policies that curb consumer rights is obviously an ignorant Luddite.”
The line for crow stew forms over there.
You’re a dick, Jonathan.