
Plus to make sure “those people” don’t come into the country. 

Don't forget the big lifetime passion of forcing women to have children they don't want...which has now been imposed on us all.

“As you are all no doubt aware, my lifetime passions are sedition, coups, unchecked insane conspiracy theories, murdering hundreds of thousands of Americans through negligence, conspiring with hostile foreign governments, withholding aid to allies for political gain, and inappropriate incestuous comments. So, I’m sure

“The Peacock is in the ring and business has just picked up!”

Bah Gawd, that’s the NBC jingle!

You could... not watch it.  

Man, before I got the whole story I was worried that Xena was going to have to be thrown in the baddie pile. I am overwhelmingly relieved to find out the opposite.

Holy shit. Way to argue you didn’t disrespect a black person by disrespecting another black person. She really should've let her lawyer do the talking. Also, um... Daddy? This girl is The Worst.

Did anyone really not smell this turd from a mile away?

It’s a pandemic. I live in an area that has, in general, done a lot better than California, and my siblings, who live in the same city, haven’t yet held my six-month-old daughter because we’re following the damned rules. Unless that’s her live-in polyamorous situation, partying maskless with two dudes who are not her

I’m aware of them , they reflect modern Ireland about as much as Fiddler on the roof reflects the Israeli/Palestinian conflict ( i.e not at all , but everything is twee and musical).Also ironically they dont actually sell the stuff here (the same way that other than some imported boxes / Lucky Charms dont sell over

I think the fact that Jezebel is scanning The Daily Caller and Ben Shapiro’s output for story leads is also a major red flag here today. 

I would think the bigger issue with Messing’s statement is the pervasive idea that the inmate-on-inmate violence in prisons is both justified and permissible. It’s not only acknowledging that our corrections facilities are incubators of torture but applauds this fact. It’s a fucking tragedy that this is the state of

I’d say that situation is when it’s directed at an evil, racist, bigotted, self-serving rapist and thief, who has negatively effected (talk about an understatement!) a great number of people around the world.
And brags about it.
I realize my opinion is not popular here, and if it was anyone else I would be outraged,

Seriously. She is either an idiot, a paid idiot(if she got paid to promote this person’s 10 day cleanse), or willfully malevolent(people that get paid and are full of shit because they know better, but spew it anyway).

Exactly. I in no way believe that she meant it as a homophobic remark, and I believe that she is an ally. However, prison rape as a joke is offensive because it jokes about sexual assault and has an added dose of “Eew! It’s a person of the same sex doing it to you!” I’ve long been bothered that we recognize both

The cruelty & bigotry visited upon the world by this administration and its zealots (as well as its moderate supporters) is unparalleled in modern times, but I wouldn’t wish for someone to be sexually assaulted on social media.

Everyone should do themselves a favor and read the Irish Times review. I laughed more reading that than I likely would at the movie.

I’d like to point out that normally us Irish people hate Yank-washing ( or Brit-washing ) in movies set in Ireland , but this is so bad that laughing at it collectively as a nation is actually helping cheer us up in these shitty Covid/Brexit times. It may become a surprise drunkwatching hit over here.

Lot of buzz about this one.