
I know this will be hard for many on this site to believe, but I’ve seen just as many mothers reinforce shitty masculine stereotypes in their sons. So yeah, I agree with the sentiment, but I bristle at the idea that it’s just dads who do it.

Now playing

The same thing happened with George W Bush, believe it or not. The early days when he was running for governor of Texas, he sounded halfway cogent. Granted, Ann Richards still destroyed him in this debate (while still losing the election, fuck rural Texas and RIP Ann Richards).

To clarify further, I absolutely feel the system you’re describing sucks. I’m not going to give up a more utopian ideal of opportunities for performance on a grand scale being based on virtue of talent. I don’t feel that automatically adding the word “commercial” to television should invite any lapse of integrity.

Could you imagine asking, for instance, Sharon Jones (RIP) to lip-sync? It’s not going to happen...

Bullshit. If you don’t soundcheck, you are absolutely of some responsibility if the performance has sound issues. A sound engineer needs that soundcheck to get things right. If the artist refuses to soundcheck, it’s not the engineer’s fault if it sounds like shit. The engineer is going to be spending the bulk of the

Definitely one of them.

A more talented singer could have performed and got the exposure. Mariah Carey took that opportunity away and then wasted it with a lazy shitty performance and attitude. How much I paid or did not pay to see it is irrelevant.

It looks like you and the 66 morons who starred your comment don’t understand the idea of discourse and discussion on an article.

Standards in the industry are not what I’m basing my opinion. It’s artistic integrity. Lip-syncing is lame.

That’s pretty shitty and not shocking if that’s the case. With that said though, even if that was the case, Mariah Carey could have handled the situation far better (for example, stop everything, cut and sing acapella) and didn’t.

edit: I initially responded to a different Beyonce lip-sync’d performance (*faceplant*). For the inauguration, it was lame to lip-sync. But on the relative scale of things, it was also a far more important event. So yeah I’m not as outraged.

“The incident upset some people on the Internet, who I suppose expect performers to mask their lip-syncing better.”

I feel like this is sweet justice for Sunday morning hungover Timbre of the 90's who’d be awoken to the sound of Mariah Carey’s first album full blast and a vacuum cleaner...yeah the album was good, but try enjoying it in those conditions.

They should have wanted the most electable candidate to win. A national party with control of the coffers only having interest in “the establishment candidate” is a loser’s assurance.

If they care more about the party’s health and less about their own legacy-building, yes they should. Hillary Clinton is far from the first Democrat who’s too self-absorbed to publicly acknowledge their own shortcomings and how they hurt their party (and society) in the process. But each time it happens, it’s tragic

I dismissed Madwomanintheattic’s attempt at being a pedantic asshole, btw, as the only response they had was a spelling correction.

Becaus even victims are smart enough to understand nuance and avoid ignorant generalizations of race which you hqve advocated here.

Fuck your ignorant generalatizations. You’re as terrible as the people who you rail against when you use such ignorant and massive groupings such as “you white people”.

“Scottish Highlander”?

Also could be that Cho willfully misrepresented the exchange to give undue credence to her position. But perhaps that’s not tidy enough for the narratives of many here...