It’s just a search for balance! Remember the most famous and talented person from the area is short, black, and male. I bet they also asked for this applicant to be a good waffle chef.
It’s just a search for balance! Remember the most famous and talented person from the area is short, black, and male. I bet they also asked for this applicant to be a good waffle chef.
The gymnastics going on in this reaction piece and a lot of the comments to this piece trying to justify Megyn Kelly is disgusting. Accepting hypocrisy, as long as the hypocrite is someone you want to be closer to your social/political positions, is backwards.
It’s a bit shocking how this reaction is the minority reaction here. It’s also a bit pathetic how this reaction is the minority reaction here...
Author of this piece is a badass. Nothing more to say.
Worked for Lohan!
If I was a producer, I’d greenlight this.
I’m not and had have never come close to that perspective, due to my ignorance of the subject. It interests me though! Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is there any other reading on this you could point me to?
“I’ve worked in corporate retail forever, and one of its dirty secrets is that the primary reason for all the effort that goes into brand development, maintenance, and revision is truly about making each brand manageableinternally, so that it has a shape and a form that we can visualize and describe in meetings, in…
Surprisingly relevent:
Pretty sure the NFL is taking a calculated risk thinking that the public opinion is currently in a place that’s more geared towards “sensitivity” and it’s why they’re willing to give signals that they don’t take the recent brain trauma research seriously. Probably banking on something happening where society and media…
Ironic timing for the Frank Ocean mention. Word around the campfire is he’s supposed to put a new album out tomorrow as a surprise.
Holy crap an Original Nuttah reference!!! The best remix right here:
Alan Arkin...duh
100% agree about the Rockefeller tree
That drawing is hilarious
Why does this article feel like it’s trying to downplay what this shithead did?
You feel bad for *her*?! Not the bakery who actually did the work and was not credited for it?
Oh hey! Someone who doesn’t like my comment so they try to associate me to dismiss validity! Pretty powerful burn!
And just like that, all the safe hipsters in the comments section rush to defend Bill Murray, part 53!!