The laws of physics, I defy you.
The laws of physics, I defy you.
I support this plan.
You don't have to like crossovers and that's okay, that being said, hating a car or type of car (and those who buy them) because you don't like it is anti-Jalop. Deal with it. Car love comes in many forms.
Cincinnati Chili...
You really should never race your only car, this goes double if you are making payments.
I'd recommend Pete Peterson and his ZomBee Racing team maniacs because he's one of the funniest (and nicest) guys on the planet. Plus he's managed to field (and finish) his British Leyland beater in a staggering amount of races thus far.
BMW: We build excitement.
this may be the most Bill idea I've ever heard
Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations but for cars. Someone travels around the world diving into deep car cultures from other countries. High end, low end, everything. Racing. Resto. History. Countless stories that countless car-freaks would lap up all day long.
I drive a 2002 Crown Victoria, the biggest and beigest car I know. Driven normally, it is as boring a car as I've experienced. But, whenever the opportunity presents itself, I take my car to the big empty parking lot and just slide around in the snow for hours. Its a ridiculous spectacle, and the car is really not…
Hollywood Autos.
A show about two businesses .
I have actually thought about this, and this is going to sound racial charged but it isn't.
I watch everything from Fast Lane Daily, to /Drive, to RCR and I never/hardly ever see any people of color. That isn't to say that the producers SHOULD ACTIVELY seek out minorities/women in their reviews or in their efforts but…
Hunters of Effluency.
Each weak two teams compete to build a race car on budget to seak the infamous 24h Of Lemon's Index of Effluency trophy. We follow them as they travel across the country to follow the series, fight the Price of Darkness and others mechanical gremlins, perfect their theme, lose all hope and…
As much as I loath reality shows, one centered around a LeMons team has the potential to be funny as hell. I'd totally watch that!
Follow a rally team through a season, trials, tribulations, shit breaking, partying. I choose Brakim Racing. I mean, look at these guys!
"Some got in my mouth"... I can't stop laughing at that visual!
He was, but luckily he had a block of Treet firmly ziptied to his skull, so nothing happened.
I was quite bored at work until until I saw this. Excellent, excellent work.