
The funny thing is that I took apart my NES when I was young (I had a tendency to take apart and reassemble things in general; particularly clocks) and I noticed that the contacts inside the cartridge slot were slightly corroded.

Those both look terrible.

It's probably an indie title; wait until the next version.

Your user name sums it up.

Using a mushroom or other speed boost does not seem to work in Mario Kart 7, or I was just never able to nail down the timing in my playing. (I am 3-star in all but a handful of Mirror Class cups.) The shell would actually move with me every time I tried to boost away (even while actively descending to ruin my

Getting wiped out by pretty much any item stops you dead in your tracks. Some of the track-specific obstacles only give you a minor spin out that you can recover from more quickly.

Something could some out TODAY and be a classic. Time does not define a classic. Timelessness does. Also, opinions.

I love seeing games like this succeed. It means we are entering an age of gaming where creative processes are not hampered or smothered by bigger interests. Come at me, games.

I dunk like Oreo.

Large server networks are incredibly expensive to run and are very time consuming. Most large networks run hundreds of Minecraft servers, along with enterprise DDOS protection, databases, dedicated proxies, and web infrastructure. In addition to that, many employ full time staff to manage the hundreds of hours of

This is the simple reality with any for-pay Minecraft multiplayer situations:

I never realized that average and normal are synonyms. Or that this was an objective, quantitative measurement as opposed to a subjective, qualitative comparison.

Depressed is where my mind goes when I hear about such heavy sleep patterns, but I never considered a distinct lack of responsibility; I definitely indulged in more sleep when I had less shit to deal with in life.

I wish there were some way to objectively tally the number of eye rolls a guy gets in response to anything he does. I think it'd wake people the fuck up sometimes about life and reality.

Are you the only child and he had siblings? I've noticed this correlation, personally. I am also an only child and I tend to have poorer experiences when sleeping in non-solo situations; this has been the trend I have observed.

Who the fuck sleeps for 12 hours a day?

Your carpet looks like my carpet. Is yours shit? Mine's shit. Ugh, that carpet....

You only need to install the game once, so presumably it wouldn't be that large of a hassle. The real question is how do you get to 2014 without at least one USB port on either the front of the case, on your monitor, or on your USB keyboard?

This happens to me too. Nothing is broken. It's a card game. When you mulligan in most card games, you have to reshuffle your deck before your draw a new hand. There is a small chance that you may draw an identical starting hand.

I beat every game without pants. You're talking about ME taking MY pants off, right?