Tim Soholt

I actually kind of like the idea of Batman being a symptom of an already wacky Gotham, instead of the cause of it.

Basically, this show is setting up Gordon and Bullock as pretty close analogues of Sam Tyler and Gene Hunt from Life on Mars

Apples and oranges, basically. If you liked Champions character creation but disliked gameplay, you'll probably have the inverse reaction to Icons. Character creation is basically random, balance between PCs is not quite nonexistent but close, and gameplay is driven by quick, comic-book action and (thanks to

I voted for Scorpion, but I could easily see Ascension or Z Nation falling first. Flash and Rebels would have to crash and burn hard to not at least air their initial order of episodes.

Doggypotamus, elephanzee, kangaroach, octopard? Sounds like Dawkins is pitching monster ideas for D&D!

"Superior Iron Man"? Is Doc Ock wearing the red and gold now?

He did a couple episodes of Torchwood.

They weren't one-use. Psi and Sabra brought theirs back with them.

And by "playful and eccentric" you obviously mean "completely insane." :-)

Cool! I did not notice that!

The heisty part seems much more Thompson than Moffat. I'm guessing Moffat polished off the rough bits and added links to the metaplot. Which makes sense: Thompson's got good ideas but is rough on execution, and Moffat does great moments but isn't always so good at hanging a plot off of them.

So instead of getting rid of the problem, you feel the only way to even the playing field is to make the problem worse? Or maybe you just think it's the best way?

3 and 5 don't really seem inherently horrifying. The trick to superintelligence is making sure that it's (relatively) evenly distributed; one person with superintelligence is either a god or a demon, 6 billion people with superintelligence is cloud computing. And yes, brain reading leads to some disturbing privacy

"Should we fly down, or take the lift?"

It's amazingly difficult to get through people's heads that basically the only difference between genetic engineering and breeding is the time scale.

I strongly suspect we'll be revisiting the airlock scene, and possibly the scene in Rupert's bedroom, in the season finale.

Heck with that, just tell me a good yarn, I don't care if it has familial issues or not!

The hints alone are enough to get most of them.

Wait, Gamora's breasts aren't at least as large as her head? Is . . . is that even allowed for a Marvel character over the age of 15?

You skipped Ultra Boy, standing between Brainiac 5 and Wildfire.