
What? As a female I hate having to put up with this crap in real life, why would I want to play it?

Actually, free roam can be quite lucrative if you do it right. Every in game day steal a car and sell it. Especially if you know which cars net you the most money (ubermachts oracle coupes and there is this one convertable by la-something or other will both get you 8k or more. Usually at least 7500 if damaged). If you

Yeah, it was ridiculous before how much death cost you. It really hampered the game cause it made you feel like being too conservative about doing anything too stupid/crazy (and for me that's the fun of hte game, just being outright crazy/stupid). 500 is a lot more reasonable and I find I am not too worried anymore

I'm totally enjoying GTA online. And if you are creative, not saying I am cause I've definitely not thought up a lot of hijinks I see or see publicized on GTA online, you can have fun doing all sorts of crazy things.

To be fair, GTA does do that a lot (make fun of our world), but when it does a lot of the stuff with women, it doesn't seem to be parodying it (the problem is it's too close to what a lot of people actually treat women. You have to be a little outrageous in a parody or it won't come off as one).

I like "The Last of Us" for the fact it is dark. It's not supposed to be happy, or a happy world. And it does a good job.

Of course, like books, that doesn't mean everyone wants to go through a story like that (as you so point out). Doesn't mean the book is bad. And I don't think you are accusing it of that. I think

Fair enough. I like both. I mean give me an open world game where I make my own character and can play good or bad and I'll invariably play the good character (or rather I'll tend to play how I would be like in the game and I like to do good things). I might try a bad character run through at some point but it won't

Good catch, I was wondering if it was fake (seemed too convenient they actually had footage of her playing IRL) but it's still funny (though it would have been funnier if it was real).

From what I understand, unlike xbox, PS4 can cache it so you don't need to have it permanently installed (you just have to have that space free on the HD but when you stop playing it it comes out of cache and the space is freed up). Course this means it installs it every time effectively but you can play while it

You can do that? Is there a way to import a PS3 save onto xbox (I don't have a PC, or I do but it has no OS, my main/working computer is a Mac)? Because I know if/when I do another playthrough of Vegas I'm just going to buy the xbox version but I'd love to be able to finish the playthrough I have now (it's gotten so

Yeah, very true. Though with GTA V I find that sometimes you have to hold it that way because there are controls that you want to be able to hit both the r1/r2 or l1/l2 buttons at the same time (when you are flying the helicopter or plane). It's a little awkward but not bad I don't think (course I'm only holding it

No, the dual shock 2 sucked... I remembered this the other day when I got out Smuggler's Run and after playing just a little my dual shock 2 died. And then I remembered how I had issues with them dieing quickly when I first got the PS2 (I mean I think this is like the third one to break. And it's the only console I've

Or let me make this analogy. PC gamers coming in and saying, "PC is better" is like when two people are discussing the merits/flaws of a Camry vs. an Accord on a car they want to purchase and they happen to be arguing which one is faster and some third person comes in with Ferrari is faster.

Sure, they all know the

Once again since you seemed to ignore my entire point, WE KNOW THAT ALREADY. There is no need to come in and assert your superiority because it's not something we don't know. The point is we have different priorities. And I don't want to have to keep up with what graphics card I need now to make sure I can run current

Or PS3 players ;). Though skyrim wasn't too bad (I got it way way after they managed to patch it up to playability to be fair).

But the Fallouts? At least on PS3, they did crash a lot. And get laggy a lot. But were mostly playable. Until about 100 or so hours in. I don't think I'm going to be able to finish Vegas on my

They do but some of us can't afford a good gaming PC and are just happy we can play it on our lowly console.

(and I say they do mostly cause you guys get all the fan made mods... I will admit I'm very jealous of that).

It's Bethesda, it will be a buggy mess ;). (and I'll still buy it and I'll probably love it despite the bugs. And probably despite having a weak story).

Yeah, but it's not made of metal (this is me rolling my eyes)... I'll take plastic and actually does a cool transformation that looks like the tranformed object when transformed over being made in metal.

I love my MP Starscream (looks almost like he's just a model F-15 rather than a transformer when transformed and I

Yeah but I'm betting it's functional ;).

800 dollars for a metal statue of optimus prime that doesn't even transform...