
Honestly, I find the people who are so worried about posers are the ones that are so worried about fitting in themselves.

What does it matter to you if some one is a "poser"? How does it negatively affect you? And don't say it offends you, that's just a personal problem. What tangible harm do they do you?

I say even if


Besides, even if they are only mildly interseted, why not welcome them? The more "geeks" around, the more you will see our interests in culture which affects things like getting more movies that are catered to us and more games and more tv shows (to the point the non geeks are now complaining that they

Probably the best spoken comment on this of what I've read so far (I haven't quite finished the thread but I wanted to respond before I lost the comment).

Too bad it's so buried because I think this is probably the comment I would hope the "other side" (the ones arguing that women are just being oversensitive in cases

No, a better analogy would be he would have a point if the refrigerator turned itself off or locked the fridge door if it discovered the internet wasn't working because it couldn't check to make sure its contents were still properly licensed for the person to eat (and the license had not been sold to some one else).

That was actually one of the reasons I was concerned about their original policies despite the fact I was leaning more towards PS anyways (save Sony doing something to ruin the PS). Because yes, if they were successful and people put up with it, since they were policies that very much gave advantage to the company

Their customers are not making a big enough fuss about MS Gold and pay for it anyways. MS isn't going to reverse a policy that people put up with that makes them money no matter how much people complain. Long as it is making them money, that is all they care.

So really MS is partially at fault for coming up with such

If MS listened to the gamers/customers, they never would have actually admitted to having those policies. They had plenty of warning people didn't like it, people were loud about how much they did not like the rumors of always online or restricting used games. I mean it got bad enough that one of the MS guys even

Titanfall is also not exclusive to xbox one. You can get it for xbox 360 or PC.

Yeah, showing off the Kinect would be the smart thing to do for MS, especially since what Sony has definitely cannot compare, but has MS been showing anytime recently that they know how to market anything (or even that they know what their customers want. And I'm not just talking xbox here)?

Honestly, I think you hit

Because they've already done studies like this so it seems wasted money more being thrown just so the politician can make themselves look like they are doing something and not because it's actually productive?

This is all about political posturing, not actually because it needs to be done.

And I think parents should actually take responsibility for watching what their kids play (after all, in the end, if the parent is doing their job they will know what their kid is mature enough to handle. Not all kids mature at the same rate. Hell, if they are a good parent most likely the kid will have matured faster

Honestly I think politicians like to focus on video games as the enemy cause it doesn't have as large of a group caring for one side or the other as the guns vs. anti guns (less risk of pissing off a large group of people no matter what side you take) and it doesn't mean having to convince people that you need to

You know, thing is, I don't see why the taxpayers should have to spend more money when there are plenty enough of these studies, the politicians just don't like the results or want to divert people's attention elsewhere (don't pay attention to whether it's guns because we don't want to take a side on a very

Ok, fine, but it's still not a standard expectation. It's a nice feature, but it's not something anyone expects out of any console and I think you're reachign when you just aim your complaints at it for that. It would be one thing if you were complaining that you think consoles should do that. But it's another

I don't care if one needs to buy a Vita now to play Vita games. If this means more people have the Vita TV and don't buy the handheld, it still means there is a lot more people those game developers can aim their games at which means my Vita gets support ;).

No, a world does not need to be realistic to our world. But it needs to stay consistent with the rules set up for it. The fact that the males still feel the need to wear battle gear in the battlefield makes the female look ridiculous when she doesn't. Or does MGS also say females have some magical invisible armor or

The gog version seems to work great on my 3 year old Mac running Mountain Lion without a patch (Which is good cause the original Fallout for Mac won't run on Mountain Lion or Lion).

Anyways, I wish I had a chance to play 2 before this list so I could decide which Fallout to vote for. But since I'm still playing 1 I'll

Unless you use two names, I wasn't even directing that to you... are you Mesti as well?

And if you are, I was saying you seem to be the one with a disorder since people doing something that totally does not affect you seems to get you so distraught.

Exactly. I know you can get addicted to anything but honestly, it's not really considered an actual issue until it interferes with your life. Which means probably keeping you from going to your job and being able to pay for yourself. Which means you don't have the money for this program anyways.

The only people doing

I think we see the person with the math problem. Try 1,400 per day (14,000/10 = 1,400).