
You said: "Even if sony tore out the ps2 parts they should have kept back compat."

Um, how the f*** do you expect them to keep backwards compatibility if they rip out the PS2 parts?! Did you even think about what you were saying before you typed it?

I'm pretty sure you're confusing PS for xbox. MS announced recently they are scaling back to 13 countries but PS is still planned for 32 countries.

Supposedly it was done on purpose to prevent people from putting the trailers up on youtube before the company who owned the trailers was ready to.

I hope Fallout 4 will be announced within a year :).

I honestly am glad they went that way. But I will say I think 15 a month is a bit steep (I'd have said 10 a month at most, it's only 5 less but psychologically it just sounds a lot better). And I would hope it wasn't a full 60 dollars for the game. But I do think it will make for a better game because they won't be

Because it would have made for better marketing. At some point doing stuff like that just makes you look petty (and like you have nothing better to show off your product).

yeah, I kinda thought that too. At this point I think they would have been better off taking the high road and just ignoring the competition than that jab.

I cringed when he made that jab (and you can accuse me of being biased towards PS and honestly, biased against MS).

I gotta agree with you that Sony either needs to bundle Vita with PS4 at a pretty aggressive price, or they need to get some system sellers on the machine (not ports and not indie games). Or preferably both.

I just noticed on Amazon's hourly best selling list, for the first time ever that I've seen (been checking since E3 to guess how well PS4 vs. X1 is doing), Vita is actually listed on the top 100. So it at least caused a bit of spike in sales.

To be fair, the people who enjoy it most seem to be the ones who find their own ways of making it not just living. Like my roommate long ago when Sims one came out who decided to have fun torturing his sims by doing stuff like pools with no way to get out so they swam to their death (and yes, I realize this became a

I mentioned in some other thread that EA seems to be showing some signs of wanting to change their rep around. One of them was I am pretty sure they outright announced no online requirement for this game.

I have noticed that too. Maybe there is hope for EA yet. I won't hold my breath but hey, I'll keep an open mind if they keep this up.

I'd like to see him lose all his family and everyone he cares about... and not even notice or care. To me it would complete the character study of watching him turn from a man into a complete monster (his love for his family being the last tie, he's already almost mostly there, I think it's his kids that are the last

Realistically, no, but it would be a hilarious ending.

Ha! I'm a PS4 fan but I still laughed. MTV = crap.

They stopped being Music TV long before (like when I was a kid it was already being complained about, and that was late 80's/ early 90's, well probably more early 90's cause I remember it more being a complaint when I was a teen).

Let's just add in that it's not even that they aren't Music TV anymore, they are

I agree, and I usually find I'm easily impressed by graphics. But I can't really see any difference.

I got a mac and for once I'm glad we get the game later because now I'm fully warned just to stay away.

In fact, the fact they ruined it (everything I hear sounds like they totally don't get why the game had such allure not to mention just the online only aspect would have me stay away just for that) has me pretty

That seems to be the way with a lot of sites these days (FB and G+ come to mind as being really bad for this too).

One was a guy joking to his friend and doing an obvious joke that was not meant to be taken seriously.

The other was a guy who was butthurt who was trying to hurt the person with his words (at the very least) and trying to make her feel harassed/bad.