
Uh, I would (only because you guys get mods) if I had a PC ;). Sorry, I'm a Mac person (and Macs = no good for games. Hence the consoles). Plus honestly I like playing games in front of the tv and I don't have the money to pay for an extra PC just for gaming to connect to the TV. Plus I enjoy not having to worry about

To be fair, I totally agree she has the right to shut down comments. But I admit I always am disappointed when comments are shut down cause I like seeing what other people thought too.

I like both JRPGs and "WRPGs". I'll fully admit I got totally addicted to Skryim and even more so to Fallout 3 and Vegas. But JRPGs have always been what I usually look for in a game system to see if I want it (admittedly now it's going to be fallout or the next Elder Scrolls that sells it to me but that doesn't mean

It was a good game too. One of my favorite JRPGs and one of the few I managed to finish (I really loved the story and characters).

To be honest though I only even found out about it cause I worked at a news website at the time and the game editor got a copy to play and gave it to me (I got some neat promos at that job

Yikes, I missed the part about it being online... Blech.

You know, I'll agree. I'm not a shooter fan by any means (for from it honestly) but if you don't like shooters, don't buy his games. He's making what he wants to make *shrug*. It's better than him making some crappy game that's not a shooter cause his heart is not in it (Some one will do a better product when they

BS. Because you're never going to be able to totally tell where your hand on the control is on a flat screen that gives you no input. The fact that if you move your hand off a button you're going to have to look again to make sure you are hitting it again makes touch screen inferior, *period*, for any game that

No, they are better than smartphones for certain types of games (like anything that requires quick reflexes or finesse on the controls). You're kidding yourself if you think touch screen is good for when you want to respond quickly and instinctively to something or need to finesse how you move.

I'm sorry, I'll say it and get yelled at. JRPGs are not a bad format for mobile gaming. In fact, as long as they aren't trying to do the hybrid thing (where they want live action as well as standard tactics), touch screen would work fine. Instead of having to scroll through the options of what your character can do,

Oh man, now I hope that I remember to look for that in my playthrough again (that I started but then got distracted with Fallout Vegas <- yes I'm behind in the times, I just got my PS3 last fall. Which on topic enough I like the graffiti Vegas has as well :) ).

Realistic or not, I kinda like the graffiti *shrug*. Mainly cause I like having environmental cues on what went on in the past. Even if they are a stretch on realism. Hell, Last of Us did pretty good with the notes even in making it mostly realistic but I'd actually say some of the notes/diares you found left behind

And that would be the only time I've ever even heard of a new game system supporting an older game system's controllers. I don't see why you are complaining about something that is not standard at all to any game system. Unless you are going to gripe that they all are that way and that the standard should change. But

Nope, you still pay for xbox one live gold. And to watch netflix on your xbox or hbo go or even use it for internet access.

Is this a surprise? EA doesn't care how well the game was loved, they just care how much money they got from it. Which is why it sucks people actually bought it even after complaining and EA saying they were still going through with it.

I have to agree with this. It feels like Sony has just given up on it and refuses to spend any time trying to promote it. Sure, they'll let it be second screen to PS4 but more for the PS4 than the vita. They don't advertise it, they need to cheapen the price and the memory cards, and put some of their studios time

I love Soundwave and he was one of the cooler characters (and one of my small collection of original transformers plus I have the world's smallest transformer version. But his toy really didn't need much redo. It already looked like the cartoon version in robot form and they didn't make him look more like a boombox

Yeah! Bring back that show! You know the one, that show!

It looks like they are really waking up. I just saw a rumor on this site they are making noise about bringing back the family sharing plan. I think that will go a far way in getting back at least the customers they lost (I think they will get a decent amount forgiving them for that and it will differentiate themselves

Well if they bring it back we'll see how they wanted to implement it. Or at least how they decided in the end to implement it (I think whether they were going to do it as a test trial thing they can't get away with that now because it would just make people lose more faith. Right now it seems MS is in repair mode to

Yeah, back when I heard rumors of always online requirement (this was last year even I think, or very early this year. But they were just total rumors and before the "deal with it" stuff even) I was thinking MS is stubbern and tries to just do what they want but they couldn't possibly be _that_ stupid (both companies