Sirdam TychoTronic

Trans women are women. Even trans women who are assholes and have ideologies we cannot fathom are still women. Plenty of cis women out there with terrible ideologies. *coughconservativescough,* do they suddenly stop being women because they discount rape culture, or patriarchy, or are anti-choice, etc, etc. No. So

ARE YOU SURE? Please work with me.

...And just as annoying and contrarian as ever. "Free market, unregulated capitalism is great for all. Rape culture and patriarchy do not exist. I only want to talk, why do you keep saying I'm derailing?" *sigh*

By all means argue the points she has made but what is the point in constantly arguing her gender? I'm replying on this specific comment, but this is directed at all of the "you're a dude" comments. It's detracting from otherwise relevant discussion.

Do you know what... I have only JUST got on board with the Jennifer Lawrence hype. Didn't quite get it before, but now, never mind having her as my BFF, I want to freaking BE her! I'm sorry, but she was the only good thing about American Hustle, she MADE that film.

I didn't see the show and can't watch the video but....

kinda feel better that i wasn't the only one who thought this...

That's true, but I do think there's more to it than just hormones. The changes a boy's body goes through is society approved. He gets bigger, taller, and stronger like he's supposed to. There's definitely some hellish awkwardness with unwanted boners and voice cracking but the end of result of becoming a man is a

Jesus H. Chris, pluquaa. I'm just trying to decide if you were drunk when you left this comment or not drunk enough.

It's unfortunate that men of color so often see the goal as gaining access to the white patriarchy rather than dismantling it.

Maybe if we called the death penalty "late late term abortions" more conservatives would be against it?

He most certainly deserved it, but that doesn't mean the state should have the right to do it.

Marget Atwood once recalled that when she asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women, he answered, "They are afraid women will laugh at them." When she asked a group of women why they feel threatened by men, they said, "We're afraid of being killed."