
It’s not Fire Emblem without Permadeath. I’m sorry it just isn’t.

One day, IBM will be using quantum computing to create actual anime worlds.

So the developers of a very Final Fantasy-like series are teaming up with the Final Fantasy series creator’s new studio. I expect something very Final Fantasy-like in all but name

Isn’t it “Stop preordering games.” ?
If this escalated to “Stop buying games at launch.” we will soon enter the phase of “Stop buying games.” :(

Stop buying games at launch.

Yea cause so many people are out in the streets busting out their swords for a real fight.

Antman was in all the scenes.

Yeah no thanks. WAAAY too many hoops & too much bull**** to put up with to play games I can’t understand that are riddled with & built around microtransactions... that I can’t use.

you do realise this is a joke for english-speaking people, right?


Baron Von Clownfuck

I love this kind of stuff. I like that the guys at Divinity OS embraced it rather than tried to nerf things into the ground to make it harder for players.

When I see those images, “a heart” is not the first thing that crosses my mind. Balls on face is more accurate...

Compared to some of the things Japan comes up with food wise, this seems like one of the more tame options. It actually looks kind of appealing really. I might try this at home sometime actually.

Whoever wrote this article must not have played a Zelda game since WW since the LAST Zelda game had a flying mechanic.... -_-

The CG and art looks pretty good to me.

There’s a legit school in Japan for how to learn to do JoJo poses. Araki had his own line of clothing!

And don’t forget!