
Pardon me, but I have difficult to express myself in english cause it isnt my main language, anyhow I meant that the "trick" in most cases ends with the client in the store, there he surrender to the trick and buy what he needed.

The target is to deceive the customer, bringin him to them with this trick and maybe buying something.

We should fund the PETR, the People for the Ethical Treatment of the Robots, we cant stand this CRUELTY!

FOR THE PLOT, it's even written on the gif!


Also, you have to leave captions in comic sans, brilliant.


Too bad there isn't the biggest one (at least from what I know, correct me if I'm wrong). Gurrenn Lagan went overboard with the final fight, they throwed planets as shuriken against each other lol

as every fighting game "story" :)

hope that this time they realize how to make a save system properly from start. I liked the game but even if it was released for PC Mac and tablet, it was clear that the game was developed FIRST around tablets, PC and Mac came after, a lot of things were not considered (like the saves) were gimped for tablets sake.

While not planned to be an actual feature in the finished game, I for one almost wish it was. I mean, who doesn't want to trot happily.

"Steve will remember that."

Cant help about it, I only played the Playstation\arcade\dreamcast figthing game, the PS2 based on vento aureo and ASB, but I knew of this RPG like :)

Now playing

they made an "rpg" for the SNES. Too bad it was never released outside japan (well I hope, the fight to have ASB in english maybe will help the release of this new game)

Richard, it's all fun and games 'till one of your friend got eaten by a titan.

"is the cat actually relevant?" Dude, it's the interwebz, cats are ALWAYS relevant.

But I'll have also the premium color palette swap too?

But I'll still wait for the extra guacamole edition

Ridiculous? Maybe exagerate. A lightasaber with that (light)sideguards (dunno what's the proper term to call those in english, sorry) is insanely dangerous. But it's a movie, and the only rule that counts its the sule of coolness. Even darth maul double light saber seemed to me a good way to die while wielding it