
Wow, a shiny! Better throw a master ball!


Even though these figures are terrible, after seeing how the console's launch looked in Japan, it's kind of surprising that Microsoft even eked out 20,000 sold units.

"hey guys, do you remember when we develop Megaman games? Neither us."

And before you ask if that insane-looking person in the video thumbnail is Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams, yes, that insane-looking person in the thumbnail is Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams.

Dont worry, they will surely charge the extra costumes for them.

Well, they are on par with microsoft's consoles:

So, what's the news about.... The Last Guardian? *grab popcorn*

The thing is, while the silliness of the pose was argued (Manara being a guy whom likes to dabble in the erotic), a more (ahem) serious exploration of the cover's anatomical accuracy was lacking. Enter redditor dinoignacio, who built a 3D model of the cover so we could see what was really going on when you pan the

- Virtually unlimited combinations of dogs and houses

Yup, as an Italian it compels me how wrong it can be (but in the same way they could say the same of italians do sushi or any other japanese food)


While this certainly isn't the first spaghetti burger, this is one of the first to be offered by a major fast food chain—in Japan, at least. Dubbed the Neapolitan Burger, the meal was created by famous Japanese chef Tatsuya Kawagoe.

Well, he killed all the StarWars games.

Takezo Kensei from hereos, obviously.

Yeah, the same thing I was thinking. Is there a way to see how much it would cost to do the same for an indie developer on psn?

I've got mark of the ninja in a humble bundle sale, never heard anything about the game before, I was truly impressed. It's a mystery why they didn't advertised it.

This sure is a....

Hey Jason, you should also make an article for the combat kitchenware kickstarter (link) when it started a lot of gaming site (and not only those) showed the idea the guy wanted to make, cool pan with sword hilt. Too bad in 2 years he still havent made any and still making excuses that he is working on it (and he got