


Fabulous Rohan is fabulous.

We just want to be considered byt the rest of the world! WE HAVE FEELINGS TOO!


Yep, I'm italian :D

unfortunately we have bad pollution in the northern area (Turin, Milan..) also, last year we had the Taranto's Ilva closure because it was speculated to spread cancerogeneous particles in the city's air.

Italy is not even Europe nowadays?

I'm for Ned+ Itchy and Scratchy. Totally.

Not Charles Dance, Tywin Lannister!

Final boss detected.

Guns arent that easily to get outside U.S.A.. Here in europe guns are veeeery restricted. (no, I dont want to start a debate on what is better, it was just sayin')


I've preordered mine at the beginning of february, damn!

Amazon Italia already dated it for 25 april from about a month, Andràs. The question is how many physical copies will be made, because they said not many...

Yes and no. In about the 90% of my country's public administration (and even in a lot of private) will still use XP and will keep until someone will force them to upgrade. Why? A lot of the employes are old and dont want to change to something that they learnt and, in most cases a system upgrade is equal to money and

It is just a fanmade artwork :/

The rules are simple: Everyone starts at 60%, normal size. After every kill, your size, your health and your damage increases by 15%. So it won't take too long to become a giant knight who can easily step on other players.

And above are photos of said Yorkshire terriers. I guess they are learning "feats" (read: dog tricks) for a show? That wouldn't be unheard of.