Looks like we've got.... A negative plane.
Looks like we've got.... A negative plane.
Well, i learnt the language basis, still cant read a thing :D
Don't you want to pull a Giant Isopod out of your suit pocket? No? What about a Giant Isopod phone cover?
No, I cant even understand them after I went in Tokyo for work for about 6 months in 2008, everytime there's something like this that amazes and horrifies you at the same time.
A Challenger appears!
Well, the App was in the works. But it never launched for what I know.
Yeah but an "hitchhiker guide to the galaxy" cover book could be cooler in my opinion. Just slap a warmly "dont panic" on the front and it will sell like hotcakes.
It's just a replica of the original dual shock 1
Yup, what could be the purpose of this useless things? Also, if you plug it on your everyday duties it will be lost in no time.
"timed exclusive!"
Oh yeah, my bad, totally forgot Contra\Probotector while I was typing!
Also the Metal Slug series....
Sir, I'm a genderlessy blob in a empty room and I feel offended!
you can just call it StarCraft Noire
Just checked on youtube, it was from the Raiders
Indiana Jones and the raider of the Lost Ark, there's even the idol stealing sequences at the beginning!
It could be cooler, it could follow "the rules".