
$6000 a month??!

Many will be tempted to get caught up in the critique (pos or neg) of life choices, but really, the underlying message here is how much it uplifts the spirit when people act selflessly towards another. We all need to know someone cares about us in the world.

And of course most of Kotaku comments is now defending him. Sigh.

Generally the other side has to be willing to compromise and act in good faith as well for it to work.

Ah, once again the Democrats are most concerned about being seen as the “reasonable” party that is willing to work together and compromise.

Restores a touch of faith in humanity. Of course there are a few that were still horrible, but it is good to know that the majority were ultimately decent people.

Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly

At this point, let us not speak of this man on Jalopnik. Dude makes Richard Rawlings look like a freakin’ saint.

Nice try EA. *goes back to playing Overwatch*

Oh I get it, you’re an EA executive. That’s why you’re so hostile towards people that are justifiably angry with EA and cynical about what they’ll do in the future. Now it makes total sense why you’re a complete ass hole.

What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.

You have to screw up pretty bad to worry about fucking Star Wars underperforming.

Yeah right, this is EA we’re talking about. First chance they get those loot boxes will be back. They just gotta let the heat die down a little.

Time Traveler

What’s his address?

You must be new here.

Do you have a thing against having 1 car reliably running?

Gamers:. “Git gud scrub.”

i don’t know anything about this game, community, or player, but reading this makes me want to attend every tournament near me to cheer for this guy. fucking loud.

The holes on the cassete tapes had a purpose though, it prevented the tape from being recorded again if it already contains something (covering the hole with a scotchtape will allow you to use the tape for recording again)