Fastest way to heat up car during the winter: take hose connect to your exhaust and tape other end through your driver’s side window. Car will heat up much faster.
Fastest way to heat up car during the winter: take hose connect to your exhaust and tape other end through your driver’s side window. Car will heat up much faster.
None of these guys are worth the contracts they signed. Fantastic.
If he didn’t care about the guy’s life he wouldn’t have turned at the last second, he would’ve just plowed straight into him.
Do you need to go to your safe space now sweetheart? If you did not want to see a moose getting hit by a car why would you click the article that states about a “horrific” moose accident?
what did you think was going to happen when you opened the page? The moose and occupants of the car were going to sit down and have a tea party?
I was wondering the whole time as I scrolled down when the whole hipster part would show itself, but all I saw was a nicely restored classic. Nothing hipster about it.
No, this is a restored Land Cruiser. A hipster one would be deconstructed and served on a slab of teak.
This is a gross misuse of the term hipster.
Can drivers just be smarter? They’re standard symbols on all cars. The red iPhone notification you have when you get a text is smaller, but people don’t miss that one.
Ice Road Alien Pawn Star Truckers, seven nights a week.
It just looks like too much ass crammed into a not big enough pair of pants...Damn Japan, just cause you can...
Yep, lucky it wasn’t a Mustang or the film crew would be dead.
He was clearly a pound, pound and a half, off on the tire pressure on one side.
Thats a Lambo, duh.
I wonder if he can fix this before David gets that Honda sorted...
That support group would quickly devolve into surfing Craigslist and making bad group decisions.
Wow you mean to tell me just cause you’re internet famous you are not exempt from the rules and laws of society?
“The point is: landlord, fuck you.”
Just because you put cheap foam all over your walls, does not mean its “sound-proof”.
When people are mad/emotional, you see their true self. He just confirmed what most already suspected.