
How many customer parts were stolen in the process?

Yes, Hennessey is the only one making twin turbo 458's.

Dodge/Fiat needs to get their PR guys on this and feature him somewhere.

Stand back for a minute, and realize what just happened here. Sure, Pontiac is dead. But what we have here, is a respectable 4 door, rear wheel drive sedan for North America from GM. That alone should make somebody stand up and salute. Heck, half of what is wrong with our country has just been fixed by this single

What's interesting here isn't really whether you think everyone should have guns or no one should have guns, but how much regulation of guns parallels the way in which we regulate cars.

Now playing

This is a stolen vid. Original upload here:

What killed the GTO was the expectation that it was going to be retro... the GTO followed the same formula the original did: Take one grocery getter, stuff in large engine, apply wicked exhaust note... voila!

Thats true, i guess the American consumers do buy safe and predictable. Damn shame really, alot of great cars and brands would still be around if it weren't for that.

Oh, I'm not blaming Pontiac at all; I'm blaming the American consumer. For as much as we bitch and moan about there not being more cool cars, look at what actually sells: mid-size FWD sedans with automatic transmissions. For the most part people who lust after big V8 powered RWD hoonmobiles either can't afford new

If we Americans wanted these sold here, we should've bought more GTOs.

due to this post I am now going to go out and buy at a minimum 2 guns this weekend, people like you scare the shit out of me

You, sir, are an idiot. The original intent was to arm the people, to make sure that the people always had means to defend themselves and, if necessary, overthrow the government just as was necessary during the Revolutionary war. Before you start into a liberal rant about how that's no longer plausible, please

On average, 3880 persons were victims of fatal drowning. Guns don't kill people, clearly water kills people.

"I ask sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few politicians."
- George Mason (father of the Bill of Rights)

Fuck you for being ignorant and stupid

Actually, the Supreme Court along with other courts have upheld the 2nd amendment as a personal right. See United States v. Emerson (2001), District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), and McDonald v. Chicago (2008). The idea being that the focus of the amendment lies in the wording "The right of the people to bear arms

Why do you need whatever hobbies you have? Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it should be outlawed. And the entire topic is very relevant to gamers in general. Maybe not you, but then look at the title before you read.

"The original intent"? Son, the original intent by the framers was to both have a regulated militia and to have the common man armed in the same manner as the militia (even when not serving in it). This was in direct response to the British Crown's taxation, confiscation, and outlawing of privately owned firearms.


The constitution says you can have weapons when you are part of an armed militia fighting off enemies to America.. so really, none of these people have a right to have guns.

No, the constitution absolutely DOES NOT say that, and the supreme court has ruled as such.