From my experience, albeit limited, is that it’s a USAF thing. “On the flightline in the Died? Need one. Walking to the shitter? Need one.”
From my experience, albeit limited, is that it’s a USAF thing. “On the flightline in the Died? Need one. Walking to the shitter? Need one.”
Sorry... the lightbelt/reflective belt was blue. All the reflective belts you see are green.
The F-15 “banshee” that you hear around 1:18 always gets my attention. Nothing like a early morning Go or a night flight to really creep you out.
Cool work. Can we get some pics of your Maintainers? Gotta show the people who keep them in the air.
Bluntly: Pussy kills the brain cells of young boys.
Nice try, comrade!
Game. Set. Match.
Actually, of the fighter pilots I’ve met... most are chill. This is off of my ANG experience, though, as meeting a pilot on AD was rare thing.
Stopped watching when you introduced “Streetspeed 717". Don’t like his vidos or “Car-bro” thing he has going.
I’ll wait for the “No-clapping” version to be posted up later.
You mean Billy Highball.
Who’s to say it’s owned by the Soviets/Russians anymore?. ;)
We’re extended fAMMOly!
2w0x1... You?
Let’s be honest... you’re flying sorties against ISIS/Al Qaeda targets, you’re flying lives. If you’re going to the risk of flying into contested airspace, you’re making it count.
Not very scary when it’s flying inert munitions.... but at least the GBU’s can fall and still make a crater.
That’s the hard part about being ANG/RES.... “Hey! before we get to AFSC training, we’ve got SAPR/Infosec/Fire Extinguisher/ladder/marshalling CBTS for you to do. Oh! CC is at 8:30 and UA is right after that. Makes me really miss AD sometimes.