Thomas Anderson

The best thing I ever did at my desk was raise my computer screen. Even though it is not at the recommended spot according to this article, my neck and back are pain free.


Can someone make a version for the xbox 360!?!?

This is cool and all, but I would gladly pay the man/women who creates an app that mutes group texting!

Perfect for my mom who keep 73 facebook tabs open.

Is adventure mode added in the xbox 360 version?!?!

My family and I have a shared account for common phone numbers and gcal. Works great, but I am not paranoid. Hopefully my family and I don't rob a bank because I would RAT THEM ALL OUT! Prisoner's Dilemma 101

Can anyone help me figure the allcast app out? Downloaded on my tablet and it will not find my google drive? It just shows my local files on the tablet. Do you have to pay for premium to get this feature. Cant find anything online.

Very cool. What are the pro/cons compared to PushBullet? Just downloaded pushbullet and I like it a lot.

When is google getting back into the game? They are making a huge push into schools and I'm dying to find a simple, but feature rich online note-taking app.

Off topic- But I wanted to say how much I use "Two Cents" Lifehacker articles for teaching my Financial Literacy class. There is so much useless material on other "educational" fin lit sites. The articles you provide are short (not too short), relatable, and easy to read. THanks!!!

What is the science behind not offering an annual subscription? Is there a magic formula that says they will actually lose money in the long run? I know a lot of services don't use annual subscription (i.e. Netflix), and it bugs me! At least give me a 1% discount for forking over all the money at once!

I like thinner, smaller wallets. Seems like not.

Are you talking about wages / salary in general should not be raised...or are you saying minimum wage should not be be raised?

thanks for the informative reply. I'm looking forward to the course and checking out Practical Money Skills.

For anyone who has taken the course or read his books....

Just tried it. Works pretty well. I think I retained just as much as reading through my usually pace. I don't know if this would work well with detail heavy articles, but the typical blog would be the perfect way to utilize it.

Does it play all different video types ? This may sway me to get a xbox one.

I am a High School teacher and have found that elementary school teachers have the most interesting and unusual ways of storing stuff. This is where I get a lot of my ideas for my more "adult" classroom and my apartment. Just try searching in Pinterest

Looking forward to use this app when teaching 10th graders. May seem a little "simple", but for a quick draft it might work.