
This is maybe one of the top five worst takes ever posted on Kotaku.

she even expresses interest in becoming a government agent! That’s vastly more personality than OG Ashley ever had.

I don’t see the problem with her in this remake.  She starts out very much afraid and unconfident, as she should be since she’s an untrained young woman going through a severely traumatic experience.  And then through the small actions she takes she’s able to gain back some of that confidence and sees Leon as someone

That's a no from me. Her characterization was vastly improved and she felt like a much more rounded person. 

This was hugely annoying in Skyward Sword, so much so that they made hints optional in the remaster, and that’s a series with a lower age rating than God of War. How are games still doing this sort of nonsense? Even making it an option that’s on by default would be fine.

KiraTV just dropped a pretty good breakdown of the publisher of this game and a bunch of other similar titles, and their ongoing policy of wringing every bit of money possible out of the games they own and dropping anything that won’t meet their bottom line. Then again, we knew Ark was a scam when it dropped paid DLC

I don’t think he was ‘making demands’. He said ‘This is how I do my voice. If this is good for you, then cool.’ Blame the producers, if anyone. Seth was just upfront about how is performance would be and they still hired him despite that warning.

This is scummy. ultra scummy. Asset flipper level scummy. This was the EXACT fear when this whole “EVERYTHING ALWAYS ONLINE DIGITAL ONLY” thing began.

There’s a reason why attempting a crime can still get you charged with that crime.  Intent matters.  Just because they failed doesn’t mean their beliefs and actions aren’t aligned with fascism. It just means they suck at it.

I’d bet good money that Disney has had this specific action ready to go for decades. Just one of many contingency plans for various possible eventualities.

An attempt was made. A failed fascist policy is still a fascist policy.

Holy shit, I can’t believe I’m seeing the Rule Against Perpetuities used in real life, and reported on in a Kotaku article no less! It was the bane of many a first-year property law student and has been abolished or replaced with something slightly less nonsensical in many jurisdictions. Nice to see it’s alive and

Michelle Obama and George Bush didn’t strip the U.S. of Roe v Wade or hundreds of thousands of live due to covid, or anything else that’s the direct result of that orange fuckwit. So yes, that’s my mentality. And go fuck yourself.

Your two sides are a hellishly dystopian mega corporation, or literally the fourth reich. Nazis are always the worst person(s) in the room.

What’s even dumber is he’s going to “investigate” the move...just walk away, man. You got your “W” with your handpicked board of friends. You already took a victory lap. Just let your buds meet up for a nice dinner every once in a while, act like they’re in charge, and everyone goes about their business.

I get why companies prefer to just do their own thing now, but E3's demise does make me a bit sad. 

On a personal level, though, I don’t care how annoying the game is, or how repetitive the soundbytes, I would prefer bad lines written entirely by humans over optimised lines originally written by a machine 100 times out of 100.

My girlfriend and I wanted to play this, but we’re on the fence about getting Japanese citizens pregnant. We have a lot on our plate already.

It’s hard for me to imagine writing a whole article based on a joke tweet by taking it way, way too seriously, but ok, here we are.

Or, heaven forbid, vote when they think they’re in the clear to do so.