If under 5% of all the men you ever had sex with actually took actions to give you pleasure... might I suggest:
If under 5% of all the men you ever had sex with actually took actions to give you pleasure... might I suggest:
Is there like, a GMG mandate that requires you guys to put snark in every title?
I will never admit just how much his birthday party breaks my heart.
Nope, sorry, this is BAD casting.
I love Jack, no question about that, but this just smacks of the production not even remotely understanding the character they’re casting for.
Every ounce of Claptraps bravado is a front for a character that devastatingly sad and emotionally broken. People don’t love Claptrap because…
She can also literally blow up the planet.
I’m not saying it's not important. I just wish the article explained why it is important.
She peaked in highschool. She is now an unemployed neet who brings shame and embarrassment to her whole family.
One of my all time favorite games
Did anyone else think the 2009 version was excellent? I’d like to see that get upgraded because I’d happily replay it. Yes, it is backwards compatible but making it prettier would be nice and yes, I did leave it at my ex’s apartment after we broke up. =(
I mean, two things:
There seems to be an implication from the developers that the Mass Effect games (like many large games that are released) rely a bit more on band-aids, hopes and dreams to keep them running and it doesn’t sound like they have time or budget to go into decade old animation systems to make changes (and make sure it…
The Eden Prime changes are so bizarre. The mood I always got on the planet is “it’s the end of the world nightmare oh god what is that thing in the sky.” The first time I played ME I genuinely thought the reaper was a giant hand reaching down due to the silhouetted lighting.
I’m sure the committee will be satisfied with a statement saying that he used a bunch of publicly available information to determine that Gamestop had been over-shorted, and subsequently shared this information on a public forum. I’m sure he isn’t there just to be a scapegoat for a massive witch hunt. /s
“We’re going to make sure that we’re not taking sides.”
I’m it’s sure it’s 100% as simple as it seems here. Nintendo entered an agreement with Netflix under the condition of confidentiality. Netflix broke that, so Nintendo took its toys and went home. The only ways I’d think this were more suspect was if a) Nintendo weren’t as notoriously secretive as it is, and b) they’ve…
If you bought 125 shares at around $4 back in April 2020, a $500 buy in, you would have turned that into $58k when it peaked but would still have $22,750 today.
You don’t have to be rich to get rich, you just have to be stupid patient and COSMICALLY lucky.
while that is a lot of cash, millions of americans have that sort of money saved up in some sort of savings or retirement account.
Not if what they want to do is make Silent Hill, Castlevania, and MGS themed pachinko machines.
and i’m tired of people pretending there isnt!
There’s something incredibly attractive about a tall woman who can lift you up by your throat