
I have 6mbs internet, it took me 4 1/2 days straight to download it for Xbox one.

Do I love PC games? Yes. Do I play most of my games on my PS4 instead? Totally. This is one of several reasons.

Maybe this makes me a bad person, but at this point I’m just following Fallout 76 news for the entertainment value.

waaaaaaait a sec, is voting with one’s wallet working?

At this point, Bethesda’s just trying to see what they can get away with. Gotta nail that bullshit monetization strategy before Elder Scrolls 6. 

Is it literally private server hosting though? It sounds more like an invite only lobby to me, the same way you have been able to play on countless other games before it. 

Looking at Fallout's Twitter, it seems to be like a 60/30/10 split. 60% of people are mad, 30% seem okay with it, and 10% are mad that the 60% are mad. But then you have to keep in mind that people upset enough to say so is usually a minority when it comes to these things. 

And? I don’t think anyone’s necessarily putting the blame on Visual Concepts alone for the game turning out so bad. Yuke’s leaving the series probably caused a lot of headaches for the team, but the fault ultimately lays with 2K and (possibly) WWE for forcing an annual release schedule despite the obviously declining

You say it’s broken in every way, but what about any microtransactions? As long as they’re working good, the game is A-OK.

C’mon, he wasn’t THAT much of an Akira rip-off...

Is this a sign? I feel like this is a sign

Some ideas:

At least they are being honest about waiting until the bulk of their sales are completed before telling you how they plan to nickel and dime you. Don’t want to spend 50 hours grinding for an attachment? Purchase this time saver!

Of course, and it’s not complicated. Blizzard has a large financial stake in the Chinese market. A pro-Hong Kong position jeopardizes that stake.

I was watching the Jimquisition on this the other day and he made a fairly interesting point about Blizzard on this one. They argue that the matter is to keep politics out and keep the optics on the game itself. But if someone were to post something that is arguably political but less controversial (and certainly not

Is Blizzard completely unaware of the Streisand Effect or something, or do they just enjoy digging their grave?

I’m sure it’s just because of a scheduling conflict. Nothing to see here. No siree. Nothing at all.

That’s how Capitalism works - corporations make the choices that are most profitable, not the choices that are most moral or just.

Correct, yes, they should not be operating in China if China requires them to be complicit in totalitarianism.

Game companies shouldn’t be bending over backwards to support authoritarian regimes which are abusing people. I’m kind of bewildered that’s become a mildly controversial statement to make.