
I am a vocal supporter of BIG LOCATION TITLES

After playing so much ARMA 3, I needed something like this. I’ve been highly disappointed with BF since 4 and the last COD I liked was BLOPs 2, so hopefully this offers something fresh. Have you guys looked into that WW2 game Hell have no Fury or something?

That’s what everyone said to him before the housing crash too. Look who was right there. 

Gamestop won’t be around in two years.

Maybe you’re confused - Bungie has never used that argument to justify anything. The main reason people know about Bungie’s slow tools is because of Kotaku’s reporting on Destiny’s problems, which is certainly not sanctioned by the studio or its management. Outside of a few granular GDC talks (which are a far cry from

Incidentally, Shadowkeep is going to level every character straight to 750, so if you start on October 1 you’ll be in the same place as everyone else.

My complaints don’t have anything to do with the polish of the game, or the current technical state it’s in. It just doesn’t look fun or interesting, no matter how much additional polish they add to it.

One girl told him she thought the river just circled around and you’d float back to your original spot.

Wait, are those supposed to be human enemies? Because the Avengers just flat out murdered a whole load of people right there...

That’s exactly what I was thinking as well while watching Thor breaks the cement tubes that block the paths. This is just a prettier PS3 era game. Is this a resurfaced never finished 2012 Avengers tie-in game and they just updated the graphics?

Their face models look real bad. And the gameplay looks rough AF. Like something about how the characters snap to their next animation, it seems like a PS3 game with some current-gen filters. But those faces, I’m not sure what it is but I am not liking it.

I have a friend who regularly saves drunk weekend tubers after they’ve floated downstream and into the Arizona desert. One girl told him she thought the river just circled around and you’d float back to your original spot. You can’t make this stuff up.

Functionally I doubt this really changes much (except for the Sunset Overdrive fans) but this is just another top tier studio under the Sony umbrella now. Their first party team is something to behold. 

He died like he lived: drifting aimlessly wherever the current took him.”

Then 3 months after release we’re gonna get the 10,000 word Jason Schreier article on how this is the moment when the game was, more or less, started over from scratch.

Gonna go out on a limb and say there are some SERIOUS problems with this game behind the scenes. Are they relying on Bioware 343 Magic? I feel bad for the developers and their families that will have to inevitably deal with all this crap behind the scenes as its them who it’ll fall on.

That moment of hesitation when your opponent feels pity for the dog can be the difference between life and death.

The Kotaku NSFW fishhhh how i missed you old friend.

Thats some sweet Kotaku fish action right there.

“but dads have become a culturally acceptable target for gentle mockery and loving parody”