
Yea... This is shady as fuck. What a time for this to come to light along with all of the feedback Bungie has already received about Destiny 2...
Oh boy.

“...the junior player may wish to become an expert sniper in a game...Microtransaction engine 128 may match the junior player with a player that is a highly skilled sniper in the game. In this manner, the junior player may be encouraged to make game-related purchases such as a rifle or other item used by the highly

You don’t even have a good reason to run the raid. You are essentially running the raid for cosmetic gear as well. Every player can get to max power doing anything in the game; even Public Events. The end game activities are pretty useless since they add zero value outside of cosmetics.

I think the token system works best when it’s supplemental; not when it’s sole way to get gear. If in the Iron Banner (or the entire game), gear dropped at the end of every match/activity, I wouldn’t mind the token system to supplement the gear I already received for the time I invested.

Doesn’t Amanda Holiday only sell Common ships and sparrows? (I could be very wrong)

If so, that’s the slowest form of sparrows you can get in game, which is still kind of a shitty like Kirk mentioned above. The only good (ie. fast) sparrows are from Bright Engrams. Ships are just a glorified loading screen, so Common

It’s just sad that for all of the quality-of-life changes that Year 3 did for Destiny, it all got flushed down the drain. I just don’t get how a developer would not have the foresight to include such changes into the sequel. It’s baffling, and I only hope they understand this.

It’s almost as if Bungie should tweak all weapons to work independently between PvE and PvP...

I think that is what upsets people whose last IB experience was the D1/Y3 experience of free max light loot for everyone just for participating, and tons of it.

Along with the current meta, lag and lack of a proper ranked system, the spawn system is also laughably bad. You can watch enemies spawn in front or behind you over and over again, especially right now in the Iron Banner. Your team owns a flag? The enemy spawns behind you. Your team just kill two enemies? They just

...But if games MSRP went up 5 or 10 dollars, it’d be a bigger outrage.

All the activities are all about inclusion now, nobody left behind. Bungie’s new mantra with this game.

I’m personally not a fan, but I’m also not the target audience for this game (top 10%).

This is some high quality cheese.

The original was one of the few games I bought that I desperately wanted to love but the combat quickly made me realize that the game was just not for me. I’m one of the few that likes the new combat system.

Holy shit. That was my favorite Grimoire card as well!

Yea, I’m interested in knowing what Bungie has planned for 2017. The next DLC seems to be a big one, so we’ll see if they implement any of those features above to appease the hardcore. But you’re right; the hardcore only make up so little of the population, so they’re not priority right now. I only hope Bungie at

Agreed. I cannot argue with that logic. There can only be so much content made by the team, that “hardcore” players have backed themselves up into a corner. However, did you by any chance watch the video linked above by Datto, a well known Destiny Youtuber? If you didn’t, there were a bunch of quality of life

True, but this article is asking whether or not their should be a happy medium to try and cater to both extreme types of players (if possible). Unless you are advocating that the game is perfect the way it is, I think there totally is a valid reason for a fan to be concerned on both sides of the coin.

Some people

I’ve had my eye on this for a very long time. Can’t wait to rip my hair out and love every second of it.

Yea, I think that’s the gist with their dislike of this game. Bluehole are licensing the tech from Epic Games, asking for help on their UE4 engine for their crazy demands and Epic decides to one-up them by releasing their own battle royal game for free.

Thank you for taking an interest! It’s definitely something we would love to do, but putting ourselves out there is a double edge sword. Some of us don’t care what the internet has to say, but the other half is terrified of doxxing, death threats and such towards themselves and their family. It’s just not worth the