The process of changing a detailed model to a 2d texture can be called LOD’ing, or Level of Detail. All games use this to a degree, but open world games take this to the extreme since so much can be seen at once to the player.
The process of changing a detailed model to a 2d texture can be called LOD’ing, or Level of Detail. All games use this to a degree, but open world games take this to the extreme since so much can be seen at once to the player.
God bless the internet.
Never. I tried once and immediately wanted the screen closer to my face. I could see it used more for party games on the go.
I’ve found that overtime is highly dependent on the studio you work for, the culture and the kind of overtime the studio deems necessary.
If they add in-game LFG, it would be huge. Along with Grimoire and raid matchmaking for those who struggle to find people to play with.
FUCKING. HYPE. My work day has been ruined. Time to go on reddit and over analyse the shit out of this.
Is that why “season 2" is so goddamn bad with no plot movement whatsoever?! Thank you. A few friends of mine loved the first season, and were excited as hell for season 2. It was so bad, we wondered why they would release fillers on Netflix.
Ornstien also has very long legs in his concept. It would take a certain body type to get the proportions right. Even still, excellent, excellent cosplay done by this guy.
I honesty believe people have to be slamming their Switchs into the dock to get scratches. I too, have been using my docks on and off many times a day for the past week.
I completely agree. I have nothing to add to your beautifully written statement, but I also have no issue with the durability system. It’s never even crossed my mind to care about my weapons when I’m given so much of them to play with.
Oh man, so sorry about that jerk smashing your jeep’s window. A taxi cab backed up into me at a stop a few days ago on my way to work.
Oh God, my poor poor wallet. It’s not ready. 2017 has been amazing so far for games.
Nioh, Horizon and Zelda have already robbed me in a month’s time. If Mass Effect is good... AND Persona 5...
I’m working late tonight. Thanks, Jason.
Yep. Mine got pushed to Tuesday, and I pre-ordered in January. *sigh*
I feel you. I have the glorious white Destiny PS4 after selling my launch system to a coworker. I love how my system looks, so I wouldn’t sell it, but I don’t want to spend full price on a PS4 Pro.
I have a feeling I’m REALLY going to hate Ryder speaking if she/he is this childish as a leader. Hopefully, they become more authoritative as time move on. A great departure from Shepard, but ugh, just not a fan of that voice and “sweet!” tone.
Yea it’s pretty upsetting how generic the title is. Hopefully the gameplay is more unique than that title. Lol
Knowing Square Enix, this won’t be out for atleast 5 years and shouldn’t have been announced this early. I hope I’m wrong.
It’s fucking sad that a someone who got it early has to show off the UI, instead of Nintendo themselves, two weeks before shipping the console.
Oh, I 100% agree with you. I’m just highlighting how showing a game early, seems like a good idea, can bite devs in the ass if they show too much and decide not to ship with certain features.
I too vastly prefer the method Bethesda went with announcing Fallout 4 along with its release date less than 6 months before its…