The secret ingredient is phone


So now that DC and Wildstorm are merged Superman finally learned one of Apollo's tricks?

But even then Japanese does have "r" sounds, it doesn't have "l" sounds classically, and so you'll often hear l sounds replaced with r sounds, but not the other way around as she implies.

It's good to have healthy skepticism about everything you read on the internet, if more people did then we probably wouldn't have as many anti-vaxxers as we do currently.

Lol, I would have loved to take "Literature for non-lit majors/science majors." Instead of faffing about talking about the Hills Like White Elephants with liberal arts majors and basically having to say "Look guys, I'm sure this is all just fascinating and deep and shit, but I don't get it and don't give a shit to get

Yuck, apparently she's a physicist and computer and electrical engineer. >.<

Though I'd argue that just because they feel that they themselves are intellectuals at pseudo-science doesn't mean they aren't still technically ignorant of actual science, and that's the problem, when charismatic people spouting pseudo-science gain a following from "intellectuals" who aren't actually that learned in

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

How have I never seen this before, and how did I not know Katee Sackhoff voiced her?!!?!

I think anyone who has ever worked a Sunday morning at any service food restaurant can tell you, Christians are fucking cheap tippers.

Yeah, I think a better joke analogy would have been asking Catholics to renounce child molestation. New Pope is actually pretty chill, so much so that republican conservatives are denouncing him for not being hardline enough.

So the mutation rate is lower. I suppose we all could be safe, but that's rarely the case with viral infections when herd immunity is violated. I'm fairly certain that a number of the 85 that are documented with Measles were vaccinated.

I'm confused, the article you linked says the same thing I did.

That's actually how all vaccines for viral and bacterial pathogens works. In fact, a very large portion of most viral genetic information appears to be for randomizing protein formation so as to continue to present new and differing surface proteins in order to avoid detection by immune systems.

It might not/doesn't matter. As long as the virus has an unvaccinated host to infect, it is now free to mutate into a form that differs enough from the strains you were vaccinated against, meaning you can now get infected.

Chupacabra is his nickname for his tequila bottle.

Heh, yeah, ironically my statement would have also been considered "legitimate" 20-40 years ago by primarly Protestant Conservatives.

Oooh! Does that mean we can ask Catholic Lawmakers to renounce the Pope and reaffirm their Allegiance to America?

I'm sure it's already happened.