The secret ingredient is phone

They mention it, but it's at least 240-300 years distance. Not really a factor in any case.

In my family giving booze is a sign of understanding and love.

The algorithm would then eventually become Skynet, take control of the world's satellites and drone forces and "screen" all of the douchebags out of existence due to an Asimovian "protect humanity" mistranslation. The resulting carbon and methane footprint increase from that much decomposition would lead to global

Does that mean that, technically, putting those stupid "Truck Nutz" on your trailer hitch would get you arrested? Because that's almost a worthy trade-off IMO.

Just no cloud saves, and when you get back online it may ask you to verify which save (local or cloud) you want to use.

That's the point, some of the plasmas have over two thousand megahertz refresh rate, when, yeah, over about two hundred, you won't notice a difference. I agree that the difference between, 30/60 and 120/240 is big, but the difference between 120 and 2,400 is NOT noticeable to the human eye.

"It's clear from their actions that these political activists were more concerned about making a political statement about the safety of themselves and others than they were about the amount of money Mall of America can make in an afternoon of shopping and family entertainment,"

Iron Bull and Sera's conversations are awesome. "Think of the mayhem Sera. MAYHEM."

I think comparing two NBA Championship winners is far more similar than comparing racially motivated violence to teenage pregnancy.

I was merely responding to the dissing of Valve for "copying" the system poorly. When, to wit, I don't think PCs even need it.

I get that, just personally,I (and many other PC users I feel) wouldn't use an in-app streaming service to begin with, because while it may be one click, it would take up your store page screen, removing your ability to watch streams AND read reviews. I feel that using a web browser allows for more robust and

I first tried watching it while on my stationary bike, thinking one would distract me from the other, and all I could think was "I can't stand another minute of either of this." I'll plow through and get to the good stuff, everyone is saying it gets better/different.

Awesome, thanks, that's currently how I've been watching lol, about 8 minutes at a time.

It makes sense for it to be integrated into something like a console, where the user input device is solely designed for gaming. But frankly on a PC it's redundant, even in Steam, Origin, Uplay, or any of those other services, because it's an incredibly simple matter to click on your web browser and google "Twitch XYZ

Confession: I want to like Parks and Recreation, but I haven't been able to get through the first 3 episodes. Does it get better? I don't know why but it just grates my nerves for some reason.

And yet Internal Affairs is considered a dirty word.

This is why I hate working tech support. No user EVER wants to believe that something happened because of something they did. "It did it on it's own." "I didn't do that." "Someone must have changed it when I wasn't there." "Someone must have hacked it."

That's what i thought, it's entirely possible that they would still sell the game, they just don't want to publish it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Greenlight also about Valve, in part, acting as the publisher for the game?

Personally, I'm not angry about them taking longer, nothing worse than a patch that makes things worse.