The secret ingredient is phone

I'll actually let Michael Bay have a pass on Drift in the movie, simply because he's actually a character lifted almost directly from the IDW comics.

Yeah, nope, every human in that movie is dead from trauma related injuries.

Mark Wahlberg somehow parrying Lockdown's attacks with his stupid penis-replacement gun-sword. I don't care how badass the weapon is, Lockdown is a giant robot, you do not get to "block" his attacks.

There are axilary branches of mammary tissue where milk (and other things) are produced, and the axilary nodes aren't necessarily always removed in a (partial) mastectomy. However, she had a bilateral total mastectomy, which usually calls for complete removal of all mammary tissues, including axilary nodes.

Yeah, I got the first two and was scratching my head on the third. But then Ivd never played Smash Bros.

Exactly, I basically mean to say that, if you fly the flag of another nation, especially one who declared war on the US Constitution, you don't get to call yourself an American.

And the UN is a gathering of Nations, not what are ostensibly US citizens openly disdaining the flag and the Constitution of the United States.

Flying the flag of a once sworn enemy of the United States of America is an act of treason in my book.

Edit: stupid kinja.

For the initial charge, it's a class C for any STD. Which can and will change based on the circumstances.

Absolutely, one of the Gawker articles about this last week noted that there are already charges against him pending, knowingly infecting someone with an infectious disease, especially a deadly one like HIV, is a crime.

Way too easy, but bravo nonetheless.

Is it too late to rename it to #GAMEGHAZI?

So she can brainwash us, possess our drone fighters, and launch our space fortress into World War 15?

Agreed. I guess I keep silently hoping that he's actually ok and Casey Affleck is just making another movie.

I'd argue that this is the first thing he's done recently that seems like a cry for help, however. Starting fights with biker gangs or stealing another playwright's work and then apologizing for it with a plagiarized apology really just seem like vapid asshole stunts.

I suppose I should have limited my comment to "that's not the definition of biblical sex, that's the definition of safe sex."

I'd have less of a problem with it people like Robertson actually understood that today's church is vastly different than the church of 100+ years ago, but based on many things he says, ad nauseam, it's clear that he honestly believes that the things he practices and believes are exactly how they've always been for