
Yeah, but the spinoff was supposed to be set in Victorian London, in HG's original lifetime.

But Myka has a love interest already — HG. :)

Tudor era isn't exactly the Middle Ages, guys. The Middle Ages ended at least two centuries earlier. Keep your facts straight!

I was going to post this if you hadn't. It's Tudor era, which is not medieval at all.

If anyone has gained immortality by their place in history, it's certainly him.

Looking forward to seeing how Fox can cancel an ABC show. :)

As long as there is no Eliza Dushku, I don't mind.

Retro-cameos? :)

I'm just general LCHF. I do try to keep my carb intake low so that I won't drop in and out of ketosis, though.

Haha, indeed. :) Which was a few centuries later, give or take.

According to the source article those are men's briefs, not ladies' panties. The researchers still hold to the theory that women wore nothing downstairs.

This. And preferably a magic sword or something. And a prophecy (carefully worded to be gibberish until after the fact).

Cool idea, but I wouldn't call this disguise, exactly. More like different styles of appearance. The only pic where he looks radically different and harder to identify is the last one, where he's suddenly looking rather dangerous.

I do miss Nathan, but the new guy is actually rather delightfully dickish, if in a completely different way from Nathan. And the series as a whole is soo good. You need to get over Nathan!

Same here with the Avengers. :) We've hade Prometheus showing for a while here (some miles to the north of you, IIRC, and it might have something to do with the nationality of the actress playing the female protagonist) but we won't be getting Brave until Aug 31st. And then it will probably be in a dubbed 3D version

Is it really instinctive in dogs? I mean, isn't it something they learn from us? I seem to recall dogs that just look at your finger when you try to point.

I'm not in the least surprised, either. Freeman was BORN to play Bilbo. There is no way in any of the Universes that he will not rock it mightily. And yes, he was my dream casting for Bilbo for years before I heard that he was even considered — at last a really flawless casting choice. (Gandalf and Galadriel are

I did think of it. He was my dream casting for Bilbo for years. AND THEN IT HAPPENED.

We should kidnap him and imprison him and force him to write Doctor Who scripts for us in all eternity. Except... the man is so bloody nice. I'd probably feel ashamed.

Thanks for this — I've always thought that this sounds too good or simple to be true. If you only switch a couple of the letters inside the words, they will still be fairly easy to read, but when you switch them *all* around (apart from the first and last), especially in longer words, they can quickly get pretty