If ieatlegos was wearing a bee net, he/she was probably pretty well aware of what kind of insect he/she was dealing with. :)
If ieatlegos was wearing a bee net, he/she was probably pretty well aware of what kind of insect he/she was dealing with. :)
You can study the master: [soundcloud.com]
It's even better, hearing him reading it.
Well, I think space news is interesting regardless of the nationality of the participants. But then again I'm not American.
Actually, I think 'cosmonaut' is a better word than 'astronaut'. The cosmos is everywhere around us, but it doesn't look as if we'll be going to other star systems anytime soon.
Thank you for sharing! I've always envied people who can make polyamoury work. The fact that people like you and your family can make it work with so little hassle makes me hopeful for the evolution of mankind.
Sounds like a smart rule. Antibiotic resistant gonorrhoea strains are spreading, so you *do* risk more than something that is mildly annoying and easy to cure. Not to mention herpes, which is and has always been uncurable (and very unpleasant).
You have to excuse them. They had probably not been to the Americas and discovered the turkey yet.
Well, not if you follow modern German orthography.
OT: First guess was correct. :)
Thanks! Bowls of cereal are good for nothing else, after all.
Well, if you call "deliberately infecting them with a very deadly virus and then giving them an experimental chemical cocktail to see what happens" preferential treatment, then why yes.
With a 90% death rate, I doubt they'll be hard pressed to find volunteers.
On the other hand, extreme thinness in human females has really only been considered attractive since the 1960s. If you look at 1950s pinup girls and movie stars, they are very rarely underweight. So you might argue that thinness is so far an exception in the ever-changing history of perceived beauty — it's just the…
They do, indeed. On the other hand, Iceland was pretty isolated from the rest of Scandiavia for several centuries, while Finland is geographically close. Finland was actually part of Sweden until 1809, and has close ties with us still (not to mention that a large part of the Finnish population actually has Swedish as…
The waste has a half-life of about a century, but that doesn't mean it will be *safe* within a century. Half the radioactivity of 'fresh' waste is still pretty poisonous. And if we think about how much our world has changed in just a few centuries, anything can happen in another century or two, never mind a few…
Space launches are so far somewhat unreliable affairs, though. You don't really want a space capsule filled with radiactive waste to blow up during launch.