
My 84 plus year old great aunt is very adept at all social media. Before smart phones my aunt would, at 70 plus text me 'petrapan, this is your aunt soandso, give me a call baby.' (it is worth saying she was legally blind. )

May I add a peeve here? Saying blue in color. Seriously, as opposed to being blue in taste, or smell or sound?

Ugh now I am too damn mad to go back to sleep! Where's my damn corkscrew!?

You weren't hungover after spam nuts? I am impressed my lady.

THIS! This is why I don't have cable or watch TV, duck dynasty, honey boo boo, kardashian...... Now I can add catfish to the list

Can we clarify that rape is about power and the ability to misuse it?

As a 'Damn near 50 year old woman' who doesn't know this?

I watch this thinking 'no wonder Hohenwald is a good elephant sanctuary' it looks the same, a bit cooler climate.

When I broke up with my very first bf, he 'vomited blood'...... off a bridge in the dark.... Yeah. Dodged that! Whew!

The single life...... It rocks.

No it is a breakdown when your emotions interfere with your activities to the point that you aren't able to do them.

We need more little girls named Emmala... (pronounced like Emma-lou only with la ..... I find the name appealing and unusual)

I have often wondered why dogs and cats were our besties.... I want an otter bestie damn it!

And your sluttiness is gaged by how wide you open your mouth for oral sex.

I love you.

That picture is... Just wrong and disturbs me for some reason...

My very beautiful mother was ill for a long time. Her biggest demand was that we cremate her. She said 'You better not let people stand around me and say I look good. NO! I will look like a dead body just like all dead people do!'

Botox much?