
It's amazing how much dogs still act like wolves, my Siberian husky would do the same thing and my Chihuahua greets me like that every day.

I'm in love

That's no Actyon...that's an Aztek!

I thought it was Kane & Lynch

Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddyy up!

Wait, Diasapora is dead? It's made by the same people who made BTRL, only they split up

Yeah all of the sets for the original BSG were torn down :(

Now all we need is a BSG space sim

wait..whatt....2013?! blah

They used those in the Cylon Earth episode, but I read that by the time BSG happens raptors are like the old workhorses of the fleet and by the 1st cylon war they're new

I want that to happen to. Tobey McGuire was supposed to make a live action film, but nothing yet

It's BATTLESTAR GALACTICA people. I'm watching it. When is it airing?!

Argentina is far from third world.


Here's a four minute interview with the cast and crew KTVU did while they were filming. The lady cop even wears the same holster and turtle neck as McQueen!


At least it'd only be 12 hours away from me :)

You're being stupid. The USA already has great race tracks like Laguna Seca, another one in the image of the 'ring wouldn't do any worse.

I like the idea, but the scenery will suck. Ever race in Nevada? The brown ominous mountains will make you want to take acid and ride in a convertible.

Clarkson needs to be narrating over this