
I have got to stop taking Lunesta at night.

Still wouldn't buy one.

Now playing

That's actually part of a secret world of people who laugh at animals climbing stuff.

One of the worst mistakes Apple ever made was switching to its dull white visual theme. I like the blue/red/organge/green looks of the Apple iMacs circa 2000 and would've liked to see those colors continue with modern hardware.

It's like one of my Japanese Animes!

If I had an iPhone I would definitely buy one of these!

Should have bought the PC version. Glorious PC gamer master race! :P

Maybe he dated a girl with aspergers and decided not to write an OKcupid rant about it.

Serious? It had a bit of a curve to it but it got easier, and much more rewarding.

I'm not in the military, but the book EMBEDDED by Dan Abnett is like reading a future version of a Desert Storm novel.

10 and heart for you sir

Replace the two prop planes with a Colonial Viper and a Cylon Raider and we have an episode of Battlestar Galactica!

I love this. Playing with 50+ people in games like Killing Floor, CS/CS:S, COD4 and a few others is the reason I keep buying PC games.

@aelver : It's the jet from the movie STEALTH

My body is ready.

God I want a CTD truck even harder now

Well, I speak the most Eye-Talian...

Finally I can have the chance to take a dump on Steve Jobs

Wants to buy*