
Honestly, the Uprising and Xmas skins are better overall. None of these would get me to change my current outfits for my guys. Nice to see something new for 76 though. Guy is seriously underrepresented when it comes to new stuff. He also needs some new highlight intros and emotes.

Plunkett I really dig your taste in music man.

Now playing

Track: Amateur Sketch | Artist: Municipal Waste | Album: Slime and Punishment

Nope. No roaches in any other city.

I’m lucky enough that my younger sibling was so young that he didn’t notice his was unplugged. He just assumed he was playing.

I have always hated the railgun .... because I suck with it. I swear, it feels like it takes 10 second to charge for a shot whenever it is in my hands.

I’m the only one who shows Bomberman the respect it deserves.

Baseball and Zelda have gone together for the last 20 years. Remember in Ocarina of Time when Link went over to Ganondorf’s place to play catch?

A Zelda game is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.

Meanwhile in a different country (or timeline)...

Since Drew’s leaving there’s gonna be a lot more content with Rorie filling in the empty chair.

*pictures Platinum making a Halo game
*memories of Vanquish flood mind.

Eli: “Odell, why wasn’t I invited to party with you guys?”

If Ridley Scott and John Carpenter opened a sushi bar...

Saw these beautiful bastards at their last NYC show this year and it ruled

I love when bands like these pop up on kotaku. It’s like running into a person in real life you dont know but theyre wearing a hardcore band shirt and you give each other that mutual head nod like “yeah, you know what’s up”

“Mei’s Snowball Offensive”- perfect name for an adult film

$69 for three movies is kind of expensive...

$69 for three movies is kind of expensive...

This sounds like the video game equivalent of walking my beagle every morning.