@mrpibb79: him and m. night shyamalan have both fell off the horse. The happening?! Enough said
@mrpibb79: him and m. night shyamalan have both fell off the horse. The happening?! Enough said
I really want to play a RPG this summer and i dont have the slightest clue of which one to play. I have a 360. Older console rpgs are open for discussion too
@AncientUnknown1: lol touche my friend, touche.
@GrumpzĀ®, knifin' around... cut cut cut cut cut: hahah noo i dont work in retail. It's called asking gamestop for the stuff they throw away which has actually gotten me a bunch of promotional stuff
@ShaSt One: The announcer from the end, he was so epic just like this guy
The announcer has to be related to the guy from The Wizard, their intensity is so similiar
@queen_valentine: lmao that show is so quotable its unreal....
@queen_valentine: he's too damn funny. He has this serious role in the new Jonah Hex movie and he said the word "magic" and i couldnt stop laughing
@boopadoo: hahaha, i see what you did there...touche my friend
@boopadoo: lmao if there's someone out there who hasnt seen this i feel absolutely terrible for them
@raiden1091: bye bye bits, hello draco
@raiden1091: yeahh i think i got a better idea rather than the plain old censor bar
@minusX: so pretty much the new memory card will be a usb drive?
does this have a memory card slot or what?
Does this have a memory card slot?