
@mrpibb79: him and m. night shyamalan have both fell off the horse. The happening?! Enough said

I really want to play a RPG this summer and i dont have the slightest clue of which one to play. I have a 360. Older console rpgs are open for discussion too

this is awsome, i have something similar but not of this magnitude. 55' LED and than a 32' cause my dad was getting motion sicnkness from the the bigger tv when he was playing COD. On the the other side of my basement is smaller TV with wii, nes, dreamcast, and genesis. All very convenient.

@ShaSt One: The announcer from the end, he was so epic just like this guy

The announcer has to be related to the guy from The Wizard, their intensity is so similiar

@queen_valentine: he's too damn funny. He has this serious role in the new Jonah Hex movie and he said the word "magic" and i couldnt stop laughing

@boopadoo: hahaha, i see what you did there...touche my friend

any arrested development fans out there?

@boopadoo: lmao if there's someone out there who hasnt seen this i feel absolutely terrible for them

@raiden1091: yeahh i think i got a better idea rather than the plain old censor bar

"SHE'S NOT LOIS EINHORN!, She's Ray Finkle, she's a man"

kindergarden cop

added a censor bar cause we all know we dont want to see Harry's broomstick

@minusX: so pretty much the new memory card will be a usb drive?

does this have a memory card slot or what?

Does this have a memory card slot?