
That's not it's actual name, as Intel patented the hardware as Thunderbolt Light Transference Technology, not Light Peak. That is simply an arbitrary name given to the prototype, like a nickname. OR more professionally, the product's testing codename.

@chriscalvert if you mean that everyone I know, including windows users, know what firewire is and no one has ever heard of i-Link, then yes I know where that ended up.

@MifuneT: Because Apple is the bar that everyone is trying to meet. Every ad for every new phone, tablet, or computer mentions the corresponding Apple product and how it compares to it. And then fails in comparison to it. He is comparing it to an Air in the fact that, much like an Air, is a slightly large yet thinner

lol. All I have to say.


@Liam - Spartacus!

They are not the same as Lulzsec, just very closely related. Like brother/sister kinda thing. Either way, Lulzsec retired because the said from the start it was a FIFTY DAY TOUR. Those fifty days were up. They did what they promised and more. Now they are done and going back to their lives. Or World of Warcraft.

All of the above... No downgrading unless you delete your iTunes app, download an old version (your apps/music/videos/podcasts/iTunes store will not work on the old version), use your previous iOS firmware backup (1 in every 200,000 users actually has them), delete all your iPhone's data (permanently as iOS 5 stuff


Um, I don't know if you heard but, THEY released that information themselves. Those members thought it would be fun to snitch a little..... So lulz released their personal data to the US and Nato as payback. Get your facts straight before posting, thanks.

They aren't just "script-kiddies"-they are extremely resourceful. They did, however, only need to write a few small scripts for most everything they did during their war. And look how successful it was!!! If some mid-20s something casual hackers can blast thru US security like a cannon ball thru tissue paper, what do


After about 65.7m and years searching, the CIA will give up, realizing you can't trace computers and IPs that haven't existed for years, previously belonging to people who are now living thousands of miles away from the places where they committed their special deeds. Sadly, only the very worst and careless hackers