I once got high watching Star Wars, episode 2 with a twizzler pipe.
I once got high watching Star Wars, episode 2 with a twizzler pipe.
For the record, this is about George Bush being an asshole and NOT a response to Lindy's piece yesterday. Honestly, if there's anyone who puts in the effort to be conscious of the greater issues, it's her.
I personally enjoyed "I gots no keys woman!". I would probably pay a dollar for that one.
Hiiiii, so happy to be here.
Is People always this funny?
Oh, we'll tell you.
Make it a prolonged... ENGAGEment :3
You probably won't believe me...but I found their secret location to be Huntington, West Virginia. Good god, it is a nest of chiseled-faced males who lack enough women.
I think it's actually from an audition or a screen test? It was going around Youtube for a while...
Is that Hot Brando?
Yeah, "plus" the one Picard says.
For real. A lady in my theater did a "whooo!" during the gratuitous no shirt scene. It was awesome.
Don't forget fangirl fodder.
Having seen Thor this past weekend, I can at least confirm with my own testimony that Thor was also Black and Latino fanboy-fodder.
If I were a Native American woman at UC Berkley I would get a tonne of my Native American sisters together "buy" all the cupcakes and then set up a rival bake sale where all the money raised goes to an Anti-racism charity, or even better a scholarship fund for women, minorities and gay students!