In a row?!?!
It's not about approving or noot approving. It's about choosing to insult and verbally abuse people because you don't approve of the consensual, abuse free sexual activity that the person is having, and basing human value and status based on what people do with genitals. That's what makes one comparable to…
Because being a role model is all about your chastity if you have a pussy, not the kind of person you are or your accomplishments. Because Bible.
The post is very misleading. She gives about 3 seconds of effort on each dong, so it sounds like everyone lost here.
Does the 5 second rule also apply to dick?
"I'm all for being a slut if you want to be a slut, but"
Better than not getting your dick sucked for 5 seconds.
Leaving aside all judgment on promiscuity and health concerns, I just feel like this is an awful lot of work for one measly little drink.
Think of all the pearls that need to be clutched.
The outrage surrounding this video is a pretty precise measurement of the distance between straight culture and gay (male) subculture.
I'm betting Disney will be super-okay with this.
That's it, you did it. Best comment of the day and it's not ever 8 a.m. where I'm at.
Doesn't every team need a batboy?
Cue all the model scouts leaving Eastern European middle schools and flocking to courts, prisons and the hood.