
It's so beautiful... no matter how many times I see it, it's SO beautiful. I'm so impressed with the facial expressions!

Just tried bacon flavored jelly beans. Not sure if I like them or if they're completely weird.

@Scout: Nota was really impressive, but aside from them and the Beelzebubs, the other teams never really impressed me. I've heard some amazing all-female acappella groups - BU Terpischore, Wellesley Widows that could give these guys a run for their money, but alas, they're not on the show.

Late to the thread... I've been extremely fortunate to land in environments where I've never felt that being female was odd. At Wellesley, obviously, I was surrounded by a majority of women in computer science, and had supportive professors. At grad school, I've been in a lab where the students are welcoming,

@I, Zombie Normal: And here I was, thinking, "That I, Zombie sure seems to have more brains than the average zombie."

How have I never played The Secret of Monkey Island until now?? It is one of the funniest games EVER.

@Belli: I think the creepiest part of Bioshock for me initially was that you're never completely "clear" in an area. You think you're safe and all of a sudden there's a crazy woman with a gun shrieking and running at you and you're hammering the air with that wrench and running in circles!!

@curiousgeorgiana: You know what's stressful? Playing humans in Left 4 Dead. I'd rather be an infected Boomer any day. AUGH.

@syneblue: Shiny new hardcovers might look nice, but worn edges show you've read them at least once, which authors must appreciate more than the cold, pristine "I'm just a collector's item" types.

@SUNNY1: Oh yes.. Dandelion wine...

@Jetgirly: I'm a big fan of the aspirin mask! I like mixing it with the Queen Helene Mint Julep mask... (amazingly cheap)

@SUNNY1: Oh man, I loved Redwall!!! The descriptions of food and drink were really fun. It wasn't till much later that I realized all the good characters were always vegetarian and only the evil characters ate meat.

yeah. her reputation as a Christian kinda went out the window when she made multiple sex tapes for a boyfriend... and maybe again when she adamantly spoke out against gay marriage (depending on which Christians you talk to)

It's a turtle-mammoth... or is it a mammoth turtle? Shall I call thee "Turmamtle" or "Mamturmoth?"

@FrannyR: maybe they wouldn't even be pregnant if abstinence only education wasn't being shoved down their throats.

@rah29: wow. Who wouldn't be attracted to that? My heart's beating so fast right now...

@belljarblues: could I get a copy of what the profs wrote please?

@rah29: mm... I remember chicken tenders... and burgers and soup. I'm glad schneider was open while I was still there.

@morninggloria: oh please. we're more sophisticated than that now. We watch Dexter for inspiration.

@Kayleigh R. Carter: Me. I hope that was a lie. Campus po were always so nice when I was there.