
@Valkyrie607: @Ginmar Rienne: what you should be doing is pulling yourself up from poverty by the bootstraps instead of leeching off society! you're poor because you don't want to be rich badly enough and that negative attitude is hurting the rest of america. with regards to your tax code: the rich deserve their tax

@wtfox?!: I have so much to learn from you. I hadn't thought of going for bigger and bigger fish... but the possibilities are endless! #makeup

@dumblonde: No way. I'm out there in my makeup to trap a rich man. #makeup

These 41 pro-choicers are doing the right thing in taking a stance and being unequivocally clear on that stance, and I admire them and applaud them for that. However, the bill barely made it out of the House alive and it was only that Stupid amendment that kept it gasping for breath. I'm worried that this will make it

@EkaterinaBallerina: Of course he'd want it to be private. He beat up a woman quite viciously and he's worried about his career.

finished watching season 2 of Dexter with a really good buddy from my lab tonight. :) It's so much more fun marathoning half seasons of shows with someone who's also really into it. And it keeps me from marathoning the entire show in one night. #openthread

The political news is pissing me off. It's not that the disagreement is even there because they honestly disagree or have some moral objections... no, they're just voting no because Obama wants it and it somehow makes sense to them to do the exact opposite of what the other party might want even when the actions could

@vulcanized: Dear god yes. The casual comments about Indians and the blackface shows... gah.

@LaurieStrodeTheBoatAshore: someone told me about how one friend emailed all the fleet managers of like 10 different dealerships in one email (no bcc, straight up TO) and laid out his ideal price and made them compete against each other.

My faith in humanity diminishes daily. I wonder if it would be better to live in ignorant bliss. #epicfail

Dr. Horrible did pull off one successful heist... but yeah, video blogging your intentions and even attempting to password protected those updates to select audiences is kind of a stupid move. #supervillains

@EndangeredRed: nah. the sex tape would be ample ammunition for the right. "see? the gays promote shamelessness and lewd acts." Sex tape is just bad PR for pretty much anyone besides Paris Hilton. #sarahjessicaparker

WHAHAHA laughing so hard regarding Carrie Prejean, if it's true...

I bitched about how lame the idea of pasting an RPG on top of bejeweled was when I played Puzzle Quest, and yet that game had me HOOKED. This one will probably be the same and so I'm just gonna stay far, far away. I still have Puzzle Quest, after all. #gyromancer

@quatrevingtquatre: when I get home I'll snap a pic of the portrait. :) i do love Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy... no one else can compare!! #janeausten