The Stig's InternetUsingCousin

A not so great tire company.

The car was limited by tires. Both wrecks happened in turns at over 150 mph after tires catastrophically failed.

That price tag can’t repel lust of this magnitude!

You’ve seen TESB, right?

“That’s the cost for the assemblies”

“and $70,000 for the Lincoln, with roughly 100 days of servicing.”

I’ve got a Maersk Cargo Ship sticker sheet with your name on it.

Pictured, where the numbers came from:

It’s the kind of math you do when you want to further a narrative, my friend.

the best part about Harrison Ford is that i cant tell if he’s pretending to be annoyed by Star Wars or is actually really annoyed.

exactly what I thought - what the? did they factor in depreciation for the other two but not for the tesla? dunno

Where are they coming up with these numbers for maintenance costs? As in where did the 70k come from for the Lincoln? The old Town cars used the Panther platform, which had been around forever and ever and by that point was more or less bulletproof. I’ve been in a number of Crown Vic cabs that had well over 500k on

Perhaps reevaluate why you are getting tailgated?

Using a cellphone while driving should be an automatic ticket for reckless driving.

Based on your original comment I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one...

you must be a real hoot at parties

Agreed. This isn't necessarily a terrible thing, though...research has shown that drivers tend to travel at whatever speed they deem comfortable or prudent, regardless of regulation signage, and most motorists tend to agree (at least generally) on where that 'comfortable and prudent' figure lies (unless a cop happens

Speeding does not guarantee that you get through more red lights, but the thing you're forgetting about is the cycling of the lights. Sure, you might arrive at every red light, but depending on the cycling and distance between lights, you very well may hit EARLIER red lights (i.e. the red light cycle before the one

My problem isn't that I speed intentionally because I think I'll get there faster, but rather that I tend to just go at a comfortable speed without paying attention to the speedometer. Unfortunately more often than not that means I'm speeding and sometimes I get caught...

Maybe it's just me but seeing 10-20% time saved across all those examples is enough for me to do 10mph more.