
Rallies have sponsors. Often the drivers are the owners of said sponsoring businesses.

Why do you do this at breakfast, graverobber? We’ve known each other, in Jalopnik passing, for several years now. I feel like this is almost personal. I’m filled with all kinds of rage-anger-disgust-shame-bile feelings it isn’t right (maybe I should dial back the strength of my coffee too).

I’m not surprised that many white liberals have been silent about this:

That place is a joke. Complimentary crack at the front desk so smooth out the sales process

And this is the problem with these. Most look FANTASTIC from 10 feet away. and then you see some idiot cut a hole in the roof for the cheapest sunroof he could buy, the engine bay is a crime, and if you really start looking you will find that the whole thing is really only a parts car for restoring one that was not

CP. And that’s a shame, this guy didn’t take care of it or bother to even clean it... I sold a car for 4k and it was immaculate, you’d think for nearly 60k he could give a damn

“women control their bodies, not the government”

Yes! I am a designer in the wedding industry, so it’s like a double-whammy. My clients stay the same age, but I am getting closer and closer to their mothers’ ages. Some of them I never meet, but most I see once or twice, so I have to look polished and stylish, and that whole side of things just gives me anxiety.

Pretty much what my dad usually does haha.

Most definitely a bad idea to keep track of the money. I started doing that with my 1980 Z28, and quickly stopped once I saw the numbers start to add up.

I’ve heard the same about a lot of rare cars. Pony up the cash ahead of time, or else it’ll cost you way more in the long run.

Now you’re talking!

Schrodinger’s Feminist

I found her CDL Instructor.....

I would like to share with you a post by the troll named “Ray” (he is not very original in choosing a screen name, surprise, surprise) in response to a post I made about the Navy scandal in which shipmates secretly filmed female crew members taking showers and sold the videos to other shipmates. Which went on for a

I bet the people who are rifling through the books for “proof” Hermione’s white are the same types who totally missed that Rue was described as black in the Hunger Games.